availability schema v0.2

Ani Thakar thakar at skysrv.pha.jhu.edu
Fri Aug 19 09:04:18 PDT 2005

On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Guy Rixon wrote:

> Hi,
> I am implementing the getAvailability interface as one of the prototypes
> required before VO support interfaces can go to PR. I've posted v0.2 of the
> availability schema at
> http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaGridAndWebServices/availability-v0.2.xsd
> This version has two main changes. First, I've included a vr:Contact element
> to satisfy the requirement in the text of the spec. Second, I've include a
> boolean element called "available" to show whether a running service is
> currently available for work. This second element is needed to cover the case
> where a service is up but some of its dependencies (DBs etc.) are down so it
> can't do useful work.

hi guy,

i'm not sure why we need this distinction, i.e. if it cannot do useful 
work, is it not effectively unavailable?  OTOH, i think this parameter 
is a good idea anyway because the current spec (SI-3) does not include 
anything that directly tells you if the service is currently available 
or not, which seems like a major oversight (or am in missing 


Aniruddha R Thakar,  Research Scientist,  The Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Ctr for Astrophys Sci, JHU, 3701 San Martin Dr Baltimore MD 21218-2695
410-516-4850 fax:410-516-5096  thakar at jhu.edu www.sdss.jhu.edu/~thakar
Good judgment comes from experience, and experience -- well, that comes 
from poor judgment.

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