HotGrid paper

Roy Williams roy at
Thu Nov 4 10:52:12 PST 2004

This is to direct you to:
"HotGrid: Graduated Access to Grid-based Science Gateways",
by Roy Williams, Conrad Steenberg, and Julian Bunn,
which we have submitted to a conference.

The objective is to greatly simplify the use of the Grid and thereby bring it to a much 
wider community. Your comments welcome.

Full text version is available at

Abstract. We describe the idea of a Science Gateway, an application specific task wrapped 
as a web service, and some examples of these that are being implemented on the US TeraGrid 
cyberinfrastructure. We also describe HotGrid, a means of providing simple, immediate 
access to the Grid through one of these gateways, which we hope will broaden the use of 
the Grid, drawing in a wide community of users. The secondary purpose of HotGrid is to 
acclimate a science community to the concepts of certificate use. Our system provides 
these weakly authenticated users with immediate power to use the Grid resources for 
science, but without the dangerous power of running arbitrary code. We describe the 
implementation of these Science Gateways with the Clarens secure web server.

California Institute of Technology
roy at
626 395 3670 

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