Web service standards question

Guy Rixon gtr at ast.cam.ac.uk
Wed May 26 08:11:59 PDT 2004

On Wed, 26 May 2004, Hans-Martin Adorf wrote:
> your comments are appreciated. If, for the moment, I follow your
> suggestion, how do I then specify that the result of calling a SOAP
> service is a VOTable? Am I supposed to specify that the result will be a
> String, and it will be up to the receiver to use the latest VOTable
> parser in order to decode the VOTable?

VOTable has a schema. In fact, VOTable 1.0 has a schema and VOTable 1.1 has a
separate schema with a different namespace. If a service emits a VOTable, then
it should wsdl:import the relevant XSD document and use that as the emitted

Guy Rixon 				        gtr at ast.cam.ac.uk
Institute of Astronomy   	                Tel: +44-1223-337542
Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0HA		Fax: +44-1223-337523

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