Prototyping data grids

Reagan Moore moore at
Thu Jun 3 14:53:38 PDT 2004

Once you have your specification, we can identify which of the 
requirements are met by the SRB software.


>Dave has agreed to perhasp jot down an initial spec. We should look 
>at SRB and see if a paired down version might do the trick.
>If we can all agree on a spec the rest should be fairly easy..
>well ok we will have to sort out our Certificate for security
>On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 10:55:57AM -0700, Reagan Moore wrote:
>>  SDSC is quite interested in prototyping an environment that
>>  integrates myspace interfaces with the Storage Resource Broker.  We
>>  also want to explore the capabilities provided by digital library
>>  interfaces such as DSpace and Fedora.  A related effort will
>>  integrate DSpace with the SRB this summer.
>>  Reagan Moore

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