MSO and multiple communities

Guy Rixon gtr at
Wed Jul 7 04:46:12 PDT 2004

On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, John Taylor wrote:

> > > >Suppose my identity is in community C1 and my group is in C2.  My
> target
> > > >service trusts C2 but not C1.
> > > >
> > > If the service S does not trust your originating community C1, then you
> > > can't access the service.
> > > End of story.
> >
> > that case S only trusts a group warrant from C2 if the warrant is
> > names an indivdual account, at some Ci and S also trusts Ci.  I.e., the
> group
> > warrant can't say 'the bearer of the public key xyz is a member of group
> G';
> > it has to say that 'the caller X is a member of group G provided that you
> > can authenticate X as individual user I'.  Possible, but we'd better be
> aware
> > of the distinction.
> Doesn't C2 just need to say to S 'the caller X is a member of group G and Ci
> has authenticated X as user I'?  Then S can say "all very well, but I don't
> trust Ci.  Service denied".  Since S trusts C2, it can surely trust C2 not
> to spoof X's authenticating community.

C2 can only say this if it was involved in the logging-in process. Otherwise,
it doesn't have all the information.

Guy Rixon 				        gtr at
Institute of Astronomy   	                Tel: +44-1223-337542
Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0HA		Fax: +44-1223-337523

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