StandardInterfaces V0.1

Pierre Fernique fernique at
Fri Jan 16 05:02:43 PST 2004

Elizabeth Auden wrote:
>>- why restrict this to web services? We should be able to agree more than
>>one way of implementing services: web service and cgi as a minimum I guess.
> Is the category of grid / ogsa-dai services included in "web services"?
> What about GLU?  Just curious.

In Glu dictionary, presently there are mainly CGI services. There are 
also a few records describing the Web services at CDS. By this way one 
can retrieve the WS base URL and technical documentation for each of 
them and WS mirror sites can be managed.
Try to 
browse them.

For "GLU service" itself, there are three methods to access it: CGI, WS 
and language libraries (java,C and Perl).

In my mind, I would be very surprise if the future of the astronomy will 
be only WS. I think that after this fashion time, this technology will 
take its real place : an open remote procedure call mechanism. Not more, 
not less. And it certainly won't replace simple CGIs for which there is 
no real client side.

Pierre Fernique

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