Python WS toolkit

Tamas Budavari budavari at
Wed Apr 14 13:24:54 PDT 2004

FYI, the new ZSI module for Python 2+ has a wsdl2py tool that I
successfully ran on the NED name resolver's WSDL file as a test
to generate the client side code: a module called NED_services. 
BTW, the NED wrapper WS written in C# is here:

These few lines below invoke the WS and print out RA, Dec for
Messier 101 for a start:

<code lang="py">
from NED_services import *
ned = NEDLocator().getNEDSoap()
#--- build soap message
request = ObjByNameSoapInWrapper()
request._objname = "Messier 101"
#--- make a remote call
response = ned.ObjByName(request)
print response._ObjByNameResult._ra, response._ObjByNameResult._dec

Okay, so it's not as pretty as C# but close to Java ;-)
BTW, it took me 10 minutes to build this from scratch 
including the installation.

Cheers, T.

Tamas Budavari

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy       
The Johns Hopkins University         
3400 N. Charles Street 
Baltimore, MD 21218                    
Phone: +1 (410) 516-0643
Fax: +1 (410) 516-5096

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