Perl Cookie Daemon

Alasdair Allan aa at
Wed May 14 17:38:21 PDT 2003

As requested after the WebServices session at the IVOA meeting, I've 
attached a tarball containing some sample Perl code to do authenticated
SOAP requests, using SOAP cookies, to my Wiki users page see

You'll need Perl 5.8.0 compiled with "ithreads" enabled, SOAP::Lite and 
BerkelyDB along with the associated DB_File Perl module (see CPAN), but 
I can't recall any other dependancies.

The CookieDaemon module sits ontop of the module, but there
isn't any reason why this code is Transport specific, you could equally
easilly sit it ontop of one of the other Transport modules.

Additonally, I don't see why the module could be (easily?) modified to
pass certificates, and hence become the building block of an OGSI Perl


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