IVOA DM running meeting - 21st January 2pm UTC

Mathieu Servillat mathieu.servillat at obspm.fr
Fri Jan 17 17:28:10 CET 2025

Dear all,

along with this reminder for our meeting next Tuesday, we prepared a 
program below. The meeting objective is to prepare the DM WG roadmap for 
the next months, and describe it as much as possible with current issues 
and objectives for each item.

  * Review open actions from previous meeting
  * VO-DML 1.1
      o discuss candidate items presented in Malta
      o next steps.. for 2024B roadmap
  * MANGO 1.0
      o next steps..
  * CAOM Integration
      o document state: had lots of editorial work to do at last report
      o focus meeting on integration plan --- when/who?
  * ObsCore/RadioExtension reconciiation
      o DM group should be driving this, using/coordinating input from
        the interest groups (radio, time domain, high energy)
      o Recent emails..
          + Pat recommending larger migration of concepts from radio
            extension into core model
          + Malta discussion - client impact of going forward and
            refactoring as we go along.
              # how to discover services that include <domain> extension
      o HEIG - will develop its roadmap with focus on their ObsCore
          + possible meeting in April (Paris)
      o next steps..
  * VOEvent-2.2
      o recent meeting discussed roadmap for this model
      o DM should/will support model 'revamp' (who?)
          + expecting TDIG to serve as project lead the
  * AOB
  * Schedule next meetings:
      o Feb 18: 2PM UTC
      o Mar 18: 2PM UTC

See also the running meetings page:

Best wishes,

Mathieu and Mark

Le 09/01/2025 à 10:57, Mathieu Servillat a écrit :
> Dear all,
> We propose a DM running meeting this month :
> *Tuesday 21st January at 2pm UTC* (3pm CET / 9am EST)
> Here is a Zoom link :
> https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/93739417954?pwd=MuHLVQS6lya7AURb8WOaq0baXP8mJk.1
> ID de réunion: 937 3941 7954
> Code secret: u342sm
> We will propose a program that will include roadmap topics and latest 
> discussions on the mailing list,
> The idea is to then have monthly meetings, so the next potential dates 
> would be:
> * Tuesday 18th February 2pm UTC
> * Tuesday 18th March 2pm UTC
> Best wishes,
> Mathieu and Mark

Dr. Mathieu Servillat
LUX - Laboratoire d'étude de l'Univers et des phénomènes eXtrêmes
Bât 18, Bur. 222
Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon, France
Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62

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