ObsCore Time extension : first version of working draft issued

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr
Mon Jul 22 17:40:59 CEST 2024

On 18/07/2024 19:16, Mireille LOUYS via dm wrote:
> Dear Data modeling members ,
> I posted the first version of the Time extension proposed  for ObsCore / 
> ObsTAP services .
> This wiki page summarizes the access to the document and possibilities 
> for comments .
> https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObsCoreTimeExtension
> thanks in advance for your remarks, comments and suggestion .
> Best wishes, Mireille

It's nice to have a first version so quick, thank all of you for the job.
Some comments
Should I use issue or list for that next time ?

* link pb :
I didn't find the explanation of timeframe from 
on table2

* I don't catch the idea of the use of time_variant, may be clarify what 
is expected.
some time it's time_variant and later t_variant

* The term t_resolution is define in this document as 'the time limit 
under which two observable
quantities cannot be distinguished from each other'
and in obscore as 'the minimal interpretable interval between two points 
along the time axis. This can be an average or representative value.'
later in the document 'Temporal resolution FWHM '
is it clear that it represent in all case the same quantity ?
is it t_exp_min/2 ?

* for tables 6 and 7 it would definitely be more convenient to refer to 
vocabulary in the VO to be able to extend the list without braking the 
example on table 8 there is no reference to satellites of the planets.

* From technical point of view, what should be the fields in the two 
tables to make the join ?


      	     		   Pierre Le Sidaner
                      Observatoire de Paris - PSL

Direction Informatique de l'Observatoire
Directeur technique de Paris Astronomical Data Centre
tel : 01 40 51 20 82
77 Av Denfert Rochereau 75014 Paris

mailto:pierre.lesidaner at observatoiredeparis.psl.eu
http://dio.obspm.fr  http://padc.obspm.fr


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