Radio IG meeting agenda

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at
Fri Apr 5 12:46:41 CEST 2024

Dear all,

This is the agenda for the meeting later today

Zoom :

     1 ) Jive implementation progress (Mark K): 10'

     2 ) CDS proto demo (François B) : 10 '

     3 ) controversy points  40 ' (FB+MK)

                  - instrumental and observation modes details

                  - time details

                  - standardID and registry

       4 ) informations (FB+MK) :

                 meeting propose for Pulsar/FRB end of April beginning of May

                 Implementation review note : listing the details to be
added/modified bef :ore interop

                 call for presentations at the Sydney interop 5tuesday 21st of May, 6AM UTC / 4PM local sydney time)

Mark and François

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