Standard name for the mapping syntax

Mireille LOUYS mireille.louys at
Wed Mar 23 11:37:34 CET 2022

Dear Dmers,

Here are my preferences about choosing a name for this spec:

- the current name of the specification : ModelInstanceInVot was 
explicit and I think understood by most of the people involved.
- it is more understandable if we keep some continuity in 
specifications' names so that we do not loose our readers, for instance 
between git and ivoa wiki.

I understand that we need to shorten the name to publish it as a 
specification into the ivoa document repository,
so I would vote for MIVOT, which keeps the trace of the original name.
0- Model Instance In Votable (MIVOT)

if we need to have the term 'mapping syntax' inside, then I can suggest :

6-  VO Model Instance Mapping Syntax ( VO-MIMS)
As this is more general, this also allows to envisage extending from 
VOTable to other formats for serialisation .

my 2c, Mireille

Le 23/02/2022 à 11:02, Laurent Michel a écrit :
> Dear DM,
> The mapping syntax document 
> ( is in a good progress.
> We still miss a name for that standard and I would like to ask the WG 
> to fix this.
> There are 2 ancestors:
> - VO-DML Mapping Syntax
> - Model Instance in VOTable
> This is why the proposal is currently named "Merged Syntax".
> This name  is faith to the design context but cryptic for regular users
> and we wish to use a different one for the final proposal.
> The name must be explicit and it must support a short version easy to 
> catch (e.g. SIA, Hips MOC, VODML...).
> I've different proposals:
> 1- Model Mapping In VOTable (MoMaVot)
> 2- Model Mapping Syntax (MoMaS)
> 3- Model Annotations in VOTable (MAVOT)
> 4- VO Model Mapping Syntax (VOMMS)
> 5- VO Model Annotations Syntax (VOMAS)
> Please, fill free to comment, to give you preferences or to bring 
> others proposals.
> Laurent

Mireille Louys,  MCF (Associate Professor)
Centre de données CDS		IPSEO, Images, Laboratoire Icube
Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Université		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413
F- 67000-STRASBOURG		F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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