SDM evolution roadmap

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Aug 18 13:30:25 CEST 2022

Hi Mark, hi DM

On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 10:54:10AM -0400, CresitelloDittmar, Mark wrote:
> I've added the order and relorder elements/UTypes to the document.
> My understanding of their usage is that you would add one or two FIELDs to
> your table.
>   o utype="spec:Spectrum.Data.SpectralAxis.order"
>   o utype="spec:Spectrum.Data.SpectralAxis.relorder"
> providing the order assignment(s) for each row of the table.

So, I've added a Param with such a utype to each table in the
would be an example, is an
SSA server that has lots of those.

If you intend to consume Echelle Spectra with this extra metadata,
please let me know if this works for you.

> If you are asking if that example file is 'valid' per the spec, that's a
> bit harder.  I haven't done a thorough review of that file, but from a
> quick-ish scan.

Yeah... We need more validators.  I guess the SDM revision might be
an opportunity to write one for it (no, that's not an offer:-).

> The spec says in Section 8.2:
>    1.
>    We use nested GROUP constructs to delimit data model objects within the
>    main object, and PARAM and FIELD tags for attributes. The nesting beyond a
>    single GROUP is optional, as for cases for which the utypes are unique
>    within a group, the utypes can be used to infer the datamodel structure.
> From this, I gather that there should be a GROUP for each of the included
> nodes in Figure 2, with the exception of Spectrum.
> Per the example, utype="spec:Spectrum" is assigned to the TABLE element.
> So, your example is missing:
>   o The utype on TABLE

Ah yes, that's been a bug.


>   o GROUP utype="spec:Spectrum.Derived"
>   o GROUP utype="spec:Spectrum.CoordSys"
>   o GROUP utype="spec:Spectrum.Data"

I suppose you mean Fig. 5?

Anyway, I've retrofitted these groups; I don't remember why I had
originally deemed them dispensible (then again: does anyone remember
why these groups were introduced in the first place?).

I can't resist noting that the example in section 8 (which
frankly was what I mostly implemented after all these years ago) has
spec:Derived, spec:Data, and spec:CoordSys for these.  If we want
them to be spec:Spectrum.Derived and friends, we should probably fix
the VOTable example for version 1.2, as I suspect most other
implementors will look there, too...

> And at first glance, it looks like it has PARAMs with 'invalid' utypes
> Those with a 'Dataset' node e.g. "spec:Spectrum.Dataset.DataModel"  should
> be  directly on Spectrum ("spec:Spectrum.DataModel")

Ah, the joys of SSA vs. SDM utypes and attempts to automatically
translate between them!

I think that's fine, now, too.  In case you have another few minutes,
I'd appreciate another look at the thing.



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