Interop session on Meas, Coords, Trans models

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Fri May 1 22:13:36 CEST 2020


As you are aware, we have a session dedicated to the MCT model set. see:
<>.  The
session is Tuesday, so not much time to settle the agenda!

I'll give an overview of the work done this past semester folding in the
RFC actions, and status of the Transform implementation project.

I expect there will be plenty of time for discussion, so I'd like to gather
topics of concern/interest prior to the session if possible.  To start the
list, I have:
  * ideas for 'toy' applications which can be developed to exercise the
    o this will have obvious ties into the annotation issue, but I'd like
to NOT spend
       time during this session on that topic.  For the models,
implementations can use
       ANY agreed serialization.  So, any application using any annotation
scheme is
       acceptable and can help inform the annotation problem.

Also, if anyone has something they'd like to present during that session,
let me know so I can fold that into the plan.

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