PR#2 for Provenance DM

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Sep 2 13:36:55 CEST 2019

Dear DM,

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 08:43:13AM +0200, Laurent MICHEL wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the opening of the PR#2 process for Provenance DM.
> - The RFC period goes from 2019 July 23 to 2019 September 03
> - RFC page:

I have just put in two sets of responses to the RFC page; one for
myself (there's no *real* show-stoppers in there) an one for the
Semantics WG[1].  The latter does contain at least one show-stopper,
because right now we have a vocabulary associated with ProvDM that is
definitely not publication-ready.  And that vocabulary is not
referenced in the standard text.  This needs to be worked out one way
or the other before Semantics can bless the standard.

We are proposing some easily implementable improvements to that
particular situation, and beyond that suggest the adoption of the
datalink/core vocabulary for WasGeneratedBy/@role and friends and
XDescription/@type.  If you need some proselytising (including a
quick introduction to term management as we think it will be) for
that, I'd be happy to drop by in Strasbourg or Paris -- or, if
there's enough time for that, chat about it in Groningen.

Anyway, we'll be more than happy to help resolving the points we're
making once you decide on what way you'd like to go.

      -- Markus

[1] Incidentally, since DocStd 2
(, there's no separate
"public" RFC and TCG review period any more.  I'm not sure if you're
planning for some variation of the process, which is why I've put an
"Early" into the header of the Semantics response in case you'll be
issuing another PR.  Otherwise, I guess you should just fill in the
TCG period to be 2019-07-23 to 2019-09-03.

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