IVOA Data Models and Provenance

Gerard Lemson glemson1 at jhu.edu
Fri Oct 25 15:48:04 CEST 2019

Hi Enrique
IVOA data models must be represented as VO-DML/XML files as defined in the VO-DML standard (http://ivoa.net/documents/VODML/index.html).
We have no standard representation as XSD, but the tools (https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/tools) contain a first attempt at generating XSD from the VO-DML. The result of that is *not* a normative representation of the data model in xml schema though. Such a standard serialization has not (yet) been defined.
The recommended way to generate products form the VO-DMl I to use the actual VO-DML/XML file itself. It is much easier to use thatn UML/XMI representations.
Hence our generic workflow is to first generate from UML/XMI to VO-DML, examples of which are the various 'xmi2vo-dml...' XSLT scripts in https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/tools/xslt. All the other generators do then not have to deal with tool specific uml/xmi versions.
I have heard from others running into problems when trying to validate data models using alternative tools.
The 'run_validate_vo-dml' target in https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/tools/build.xml seems to work correctly.
Note that when you have graphviz available on your machine, the vo-dml2html.xsl script can generate documentation with a clickable uml-like diagram.
If you could improve that, that would be nice.

From: dm-bounces at ivoa.net <dm-bounces at ivoa.net> On Behalf Of Enrique Galceran García
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 4:26
To: dm at ivoa.net; ivoadoc at ivoa.net
Subject: IVOA Data Models and Provenance

Dear member of IVOA,
(I am not sure this will go to the person responsible for the XML files, please forward appropriately)
My name is Enrique Galceran and I am currently studying the different Data Models that the IVOA committee has designed, specifically the Provenance and the general IVOA Data Model. At the moment I have found the available XLM, XSD and Schematron files regarding these Data Models that are available on the webpage (http://www.ivoa.net/xml/).
However, when I used a validation program like <oXygen/> it outputs several errors ("cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'name' is not allowed to appear in element 'sch:pattern'" while validating any model with the Schematron file and "cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'title'. One of '{identifier, uri}' is expected." while validating the IVOA-DM using the XSD file). Is it possible that some of said files aren't updated correctly, or am I missing something?
On a similar note, does the IVOA have a XSD file with the defined Provenance Data Model? Would it be possible to obtain a copy of said file? A separate UML/XSI file would also be appreciated. (I wanted to generate something similar to the full class diagram on page 34 of the documentation http://www.ivoa.net/documents/ProvenanceDM/20190719/ProvenanceDM-1.0-20190719.pdf).

With gratitude,
Enrique Galceran

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