Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol Semantic Problem

Molinaro, Marco marco.molinaro at inaf.it
Tue May 21 14:28:37 CEST 2019

Dear Gilles,
thank you for keeping focus on this.
I add DAL group to the recipients, being ObjVisSAP an access protocol.


Il giorno mar 21 mag 2019 alle ore 14:25 Gilles Duvert <
gilles.duvert at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> ha scritto:

> Dears,
> The Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol
> <http://ivoa.net/documents/ObjVisSAP/index.html> WD uses the term
> "visibility" in the general acceptance, "being visible".
> However, "visibility" is unfortunately widely used in the interferometric
> community for (in short) naming the value of the fringe contrast. As such,
> "visibility" data are exposed and queried in the VO---that have nothing to
> do with OVSAP topic.
> When both concepts are present, such as in the VO tool Aspro
> <http://www.jmmc.fr/aspro_page.htm>, interferometric visibilities are
> "visibilities" and the concept of an object  "visible" above the horizon of
> a given observatory/telescope/interferometer is termed "observability", so
> Aspro can happily plot "observability tracks" atop a "visibility" map.
> Worse, "Object Visibility" is also widely used in the literature as
> refering to the interferometric fringe contrast of an (astronomical) object.
> On the other hand, the p2web
> <https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/phase2/p2intro.html> ESO tool refers
> to a "Target Visibility" with the same meaning as in OVSAP. "Target" is
> precise in the context of a facility, "Object" is the science counterpart
> of the target.
> This semantic clash was reported as an issue during last week's Interop.
> May I suggest, since this very useful WD is now reaching version 1.0, to
> circumvent any potential problem by being more precise, e.g., avoiding the
> use of the terms "visibility" and "object visibility", in favor of the
> compound "Target Visibility" ?
> Of course interferometry-related normalizing documents should somehow
> become aware of the synonym, this is another story.:-)
> Kind Regards,
> Gilles Duvert
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