Coordinates model - Updated Working draft

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Wed Mar 20 20:06:56 CET 2019


Sorry for the delay in getting this out, things got busy for a while.
I have updated the Coordinates model document with the Action items from
the last drop.
(thread: Coordinates model - Working draft.

Below are the action items, section numbers refer to the previous version.
Seeing how this folds in all the comments from the previous version, I
expect it should be pretty close to the final draft.  So, I have also
submitted an upload request to the document repository.  Changes from here
will be logged in the document history and the repository updated.  Until
that is available, you can find it on volute

I'd like to get this moving through the REC process asap, so please give it
a read and let me know if you have additional comments/feedback.

In this process, I've also been updating the twiki page (still in
progress).. mostly in regards to the use cases and requirements across the
various models.  But also migrating some content Arnold added which
outlines many common 'Properties' to a table showing how to represent those
properties with the current model elements.

  There are still some loose ends regarding
  o the standard vocabularies... getting them public and settled (could
remove them from the document after that).
  o updating the examples to these changes.

o typo fixes from various proof readers
o re: standardized coordinate types..
   ACTION: start a new thread for this specifically.
   DONE:   On this I made an executive decision to change the specialized
coordinate pairs/sets to atomic coordinate types referring to the various
axes of the standardized coordinate spaces. This makes the elements far
more reusable in other models (like Meas).. which is the primary intent of
these elements.
   Also, I removed the domain packages which seemed less relevant as we
went through this process.  It also made it easier to re-structure the
document to focus on the simple standardized coordinates which should be
the most relevant objects in the model.

o re: use cases/requirements
  ACTION: update and detail the cases; refine the derived requirements to
separate by model; map the boxes to the requirements; add this content to
the document
  DONE: I've updated the cases and added a set of derived requirements to
the main sections.  Added an appendix table mapping the main model objects
to various requirements.  I tried to keep the level of detail such that it
would not bulk-up the document too much, but lets the reader know what
motivates the objects.

o Time package: Point 6, end of the paragraph
  ACTION: remove the sentence re "assume we will be sticking with TT"

o Section 6.1.1 - The RefLocation type
  ACTION: add more descriptive text to illustrate the forms RefLocation may

o Section 6.1.3 - TImeFrame.refDirection
  ACTION: clarify text for how/when to use this

o Section 6.4: ISOTime
  ACTION: fold in descriptive text from 'date' (E.1.2) type and review
details w.r.t. DALI Section 3.3.3.

o  Section 6.6: MJD
   ACTION: fix typo in MJD offset value
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