Provenance discussion meeting in January

Kristin Riebe kriebe at
Thu Nov 16 12:42:31 CET 2017

Dear Hugo, DM,

we are planning a Provenance Work Group meeting at 18th/19th January
2018 in Potsdam, Germany.

Anyone who is interested to discuss the current draft, help to make some
final decision and release a new draft version is welcome to join!

If you plan to attend, just drop me a line so I can check if the
reserved room is big enough.

Information about our meeting will be collected here:


On 11/07/2017 09:21 AM, Kristin Riebe wrote:
> Dear Hugo,
>> There is one preference I have though. In Astro-WISE there is no real 
>> difference between a workflow to create a new data product and the 
>> provenance of an existing data product. A to-be created data product is 
>> just like a created one without having the make() method called 
>> (recursively if necessary). So what I'd like is a mechanism that 
>> (somehow) supports this workflow-provenance duality. For example that 
>> you could easily reuse the provenance of an existing data product to 
>> create a new data product (after changing a parameter or so).
>> (If it were up to me, I would not use past tense like 'wasDerivedFrom', 
>> 'wasGeneratedBy' and 'used', but nouns like 'progenitor', 'generator', 
>> 'dependency', that way the same terminology can be used for provenance 
>> as well as workflows. But this is just cosmetics and philosophy.)
> We used the terminology from the W3C Provenance Data Model, where they
> state explicitly that it is meant to describe the past - therefore the
> past tense is used.
> The 'verb' form instead of using nouns makes it easier to distinguish
> relations from objects. But yeah, it's a matter of taste.
> For creating a new data product based on the provenance of an existing
> entity, one could build 'templates' by defining the appropriate
> description-classes. If another product needs to be created, the same
> description classes can be used and just the activities/entities and the
> parameter-values need to be adjusted.
> Mathieu is doing something similar with his UWS OPUS implementation,
> using ActivityDescriptions to define which parameters are available etc.
>>     Hmmm... maybe we should have one of the next provenance work group
>>     meetings in the Netherlands. :-)
>> That would be great. We are not that active in the IVOA at the moment, 
>> so on the one hand such a meeting would be a good opportunity to get us 
>> more involved, but on the other hand might make it hard to create 
>> momentum to actually organize it.
> We wouldn't need much - just a meeting room for one or two days and
> W-LAN. And we are usually only about 6 - 10 people. Would you have time
> to join a meeting at the end of November or beginning of December?
>> What I ultimately would like is to have the tools be able to 
>> combine/split entities/activities automatically. E.g. that zoomed out 
>> you'd only see the major branches of the provenance graph, and that 
>> branches split into smaller and smaller activities and entities if you 
>> zoom in. (Where this 'zooming' and 'splitting/combining' would not just 
>> be a representational thing, but actually represents how the system 
>> works internally.) Some day I'll write this down, it doesn't have to be 
>> hard :-).
> Yes, we also wanted that. Nice to see that other people agree. :-)
> We introduced ActivityFlow especially for this, for being able to 'hide'
> a part of provenance in a big activity-like thing (e.g. a
> pipeline-activityFlow with its steps as sub-activities). The
> input/output of an activityFlow could be generated from the input/output
> of its sub-activities. So as soon as the relation between an activity
> and its activityFlow is defined, all other relations for the
> activityFlow could be generated automatically. We had some discussions
> about introducing a 'viewLevel' or 'detailLevel' or similar, because the
> sub-activities of an activityFlow may be activityFlows as well, and it
> would be convenient to have the means to just extract the activityFlows
> from the uppermost-level or the most detailed level.
> But we got stuck defining the 0-level and the direction in which the
> integer should increase, because you may want to define more details or
> more combined activityFlows later on.
> However, we are becoming stricter now anyway, so probably it would be
> best to make it a requirement that activities need to be defined first
> and one needs to make sure that this is the most detailed level and no
> further sub-activities will be defined. These are then the level-0-items.
> An activityFlow constructed from these activities then has level 1, if
> many of such level-1-activityFlows are combined to another activityFlow,
> it gets level 2 etc. Then at least there cannot be anything < 0. And the
> activityFlows with the same level kind of have the same degree of detail.
> Cheers,
> Kristin

Dr. Kristin Riebe
Press and Public Outreach
Web development

Email: kriebe at, webmaster at
Phone: +49 331 7499-377
Room:  Bib/3
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz, Matthias Winker
Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts
Stiftungsverzeichnis Brandenburg: 26 742-00/7026

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