New release for Obscore 1.1

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at
Tue Oct 4 10:49:35 CEST 2016

On 09/09/2016 06:29 PM, Mireille Louys wrote:
> Dear DMers,
> Please find here a revised version of the Obscore 1.1 specification .
> After discussion among authors about the addition of analysis results 
> like source lists/catalogs, and calibration levels values,
> here is the proposal.
> More details next week about the pros and cons.
> Thanks for your comments,
> Mireille Louys

some typo in the xml example

-    <FIELD name= "obs_id" datatype= "char" ucd= "" utype= 
"obscore:DataID.observationID" xtype= "adql:VARCHAR" arraysize= "128*">
                 <DESCRIPTION>internal dataset identifier</DESCRIPTION>

< is missed

- could you remove in the first line of xml file the blank between <? 
and xml version ...

- could you also please replace the definition line of votable in the 
xml schema

<VOTABLE xmlns="" 
xmlns:xsi="" version="1.2">

by something giving access to schema like

<VOTABLE version="1.2" xmlns="" 

so it can be automatically verify



                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Direction Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 82
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

mailto:pierre.lesidaner at


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