Obscore dataproduct_type question

Douglas Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Mon May 9 01:19:02 CEST 2016

These are good points.  Note, dataproduct_type is coarse grain, e.g.,
at this level we say just "image" not what type of image.  "Catalog"
as I suggested earlier is also too fine grained.  So if we add support
for table data the value for dataproduct_type should be "table".
While not a mandatory parameter, dataproduct_subtype would be perfect
for specifying the data-provider defined type of the table, e.g.,
"sourcelist" or "catalog" (this is intentionally not a controlled
vocabulary, rather it is site or domain specific, controlled by the
user).  A UCD might be useful for specifying the table type as well,
although this is perhaps beyond the scope of a UCD since it is not
a quantity.  - Doug

On Wed, 20 Apr 2016, Laurent Michel wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm likely guided by my experience with XMM data but this is a valuable use 
> case anyway.
> The data bulk released with one XMM observation contains various data types. 
> To make it simple, we can find there event lists, images, spectra, time 
> series and source lists possibly in various formats (FITS, PDF..)
> All these data sets can take place in an Obscore table except the source 
> list. This exception has no justification since the source list is a 
> scientific product issued from the processing of a particular observation. 
> There is even one stronger reason for pushing the source lists in Obscore 
> which is that source level products (e.g. time series, spectra) are attached 
> to individual detections which are nothing else than source list rows. So 
> hiding the source list would limit the possibilities of the data discovery.
> I guess that this point of view can easily be extended to other missions of 
> instruments.
> Moreover, for catalogues which are table compilations (e.g. XMM catalogue) or 
> large sky coverage surveys (e.g. 2MASS), most of the characterisation axes 
> parameters are not relevant. So Obscore description does not bring much. The 
> Dataset DM or the source DM are better suited for his kind of datasets.
> The right position of the cursor between publishing or not a table in Obscore 
> is left to the appreciation of the data publisher.
> But an appropriate vocabulary may help for this.
> As far as vocabulary is concerned, I would prefer to speak about a 'source 
> list' instead of a 'catalogue' which is too generic for a list of sources 
> extracted from one specific observation.
> Assuming that most of the Obscore axe values can be set from the parameters 
> of the related observation, I suggest to allow dataproduct_type='sourcelist' 
> in Obscore1.1.
> Laurent
> Le 15/04/2016 19:45, Douglas Tody a écrit :
>> I have always thought that ObsCore should include "catalog" as a
>> dataproduct type.  This was opposed in the first version due to a desire
>> by the Exec to keep things as simple as possible, but I do not think it
>> would have complicated things or delayed the release.
>> A catalog is a valid data product with calib_level 3 or higher.  It is
>> not that much different than some other high level, derived data
>> products such as a dither stack.  These higher level data products are
>> often the data products one most wants to find for analysis.
>> While many catalogs are derived from multiple observations or even
>> collections, it is possible for example to perform object detection on a
>> single observation, and include the result in the set of data products
>> published for the observation, all sharing the same obs_id.  Catalogs
>> can even have valid metadata giving the spatial, spectral, and time
>> coverage for the catalog.  So, +1 for me too.    - Doug
>> On Fri, 15 Apr 2016, Patrick Dowler wrote:
>>> Guilty as charged :-)
>>> Our underlying data model (CAOM2) has catalog as a valid type and I
>>> recall some of us trying to get catalog into the vocabulary back
>>> before 1.0.... I can easily fix this because ObsCore is a view on
>>> CAOM2, with the cost being that people can't find all the products via
>>> ObsCore. But for ASKAP, if they implement ObsCore directly then they
>>> would be left with no way to provide discovery of catalog products.
>>> The DM rationale is that ObsCore is a list of products (it is a
>>> flattened view of Observation+Product where there is a 1..* relation).
>>> As such, there are certainly other kinds of things that can be created
>>> from data (besides just more data). Do such things belong in ObsCore?
>>> I obviously think they do so IMO we should add to the vocabulary and
>>> I've either been meaning to request it or forgot about that little
>>> non-compliance.
>>> The alternative that I see if that access to the catalog would be a
>>> link in a DataLink response with semantics="derivation"... and then
>>> probably augment the DataLink vocabulary to be able to ay catalog...
>>> and then still not be able to discover them via a data discovery
>>> query. DataLink *is* awesome and all, but that doesn't seem so great.
>>> So: can we add "catalog" to the ObsCore-1.1 vocabulary for
>>> datapoduct_type? +1 from me
>>> On 15 April 2016 at 05:21, Mark Taylor <M.B.Taylor at bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> James,
>>>> it looks like you're not the only one to hit this.  If I use the
>>>> ObsTAP service at http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/tap to run:
>>>>    select distinct top 100
>>>>           dataproduct_type, obs_collection
>>>>    from ivoa.obscore
>>>>    where dataproduct_type not in
>>>>        ('image', 'cube', 'spectrum', 'sed',
>>>>         'timeseries', 'visibility', 'event')
>>>> I get
>>>>    +------------------+----------------+
>>>>    | dataproduct_type | obs_collection |
>>>>    +------------------+----------------+
>>>>    | catalog          | APASS          |
>>>>    | catalog          | CFHTTERAPIX    |
>>>>    | catalog          | JCMT           |
>>>>    +------------------+----------------+
>>>> (note this is one of the tests run by taplint, currently failing at 
>>>> CADC).
>>>> Mark
>>>> On Fri, 15 Apr 2016, James.Dempsey at csiro.au wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> In ObsCore v1.0 and 1.1 the dataproduct_type field has a defined list of 
>>>>> values. We currently advertise our ASKAP catalogue
>>>>> data products in our ObsCore table, but have to leave the 
>>>>> dataproduct_type field blank for these records as none of the
>>>>> possible types match.
>>>>> Has the inclusion of a catalogue type been considered before? If not, 
>>>>> would it be possible to include in ObsCore v1.1?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> James Dempsey
>>>> --
>>>> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
>>>> m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-9288776  http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/
>>> --
>>> Patrick Dowler
>>> Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
>>> Victoria, BC, Canada
> -- 
> jesuischarlie/Tunis/Paris/Bruxelles
> Laurent Michel
> SSC XMM-Newton
> Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
> Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
> laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr <mailto:laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr>
> Université de Strasbourg <http://www.unistra.fr>
> Observatoire Astronomique
> 11 Rue de l'Université
> F - 67200 Strasbourg
> http://amwdb.u-strasbg.fr/HighEnergy/spip.php?rubrique34

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