About Uniquely identifiable entities

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Dec 2 17:59:43 CET 2016


Page 8, first bullet beneath FIG2: it is said that "provenance information can only be given for uniquely identifiable entity..."
Thinking in term of a pipeline, I guess that this statement only concerns final datasets. Intermediate datasets could 
unidentifiable solely but just by following down links starting from the final product.


Le 28/11/2016 à 14:34, Kristin Riebe a écrit :
> Dear Data Modelers,
> the working draft for the Provenance Data Model is now available at
> http://www.ivoa.net/documents/ProvenanceDM/
> We are still about to implement the model and test serialisations in our
> different use cases. You are very welcome to try it for your own use
> cases and give us some feedback!
> There are some remaining issues which we will discuss in our Provenance
> meetings; the next one is scheduled for 13th December 2016 in
> Strasbourg, see
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
> (where you can also find upcoming events in the future and a link to the
> volute repository)
> and
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProvDayDec2016
> Please put your name there if you want to participate as well!
> Here are some of the main discussion points which need to be addressed
> in the future:
> * Description classes
> - Which projects need them, which don't
> * "ActivityFlow"
> - Class for grouping activities or whole parts of a provenance graph
>   (of a workflow) together
> - When introducing this class we needed to allow multiple
> wasGeneratedBy-activities for one entity, though logically there should
> be only one "true" activity that generated an entity; but if activities
> can be grouped, then it must be allowed to have wasGeneratedBy-links to
> the activity-groups (ActivityFlow) as well
> * VO-DML representation
> - We are working on this. It seems that we have included many double
> compositions (at the relation-classes in between), which seem not to be
> allowed by VO-DML. We have to carefully check this.
> * Links to other data models
> - We have identified links with the Dataset Metadata Model, but we need
> to further investigate the other data models (e.g. SimDM)
> You are very welcome to join us and help/give advice on one or more of
> the points above!
> Cheers,
> Kristin Riebe, Mathieu Servillat and the Provenance Working Group


Laurent Michel
SSC XMM-Newton
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr <mailto:laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr>
Université de Strasbourg <http://www.unistra.fr>
Observatoire Astronomique
11 Rue de l'Université
F - 67200 Strasbourg

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