[Obscore1.1] WD comments: Original content

Louys Mireille mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Fri Jul 10 22:01:52 CEST 2015

Hi all again ,

For the strategy to present the articulation between Obscore 1.1 , the 
previous ObsCore 1.0 and the coming Dataset metadata , I agree this 
should be clearer.
The strategy is to be discussed among authors.
I will be mostly away from my email in the next weeks, so I circulate an 
intermediate version that takes into account all comments on the "New 
content" first.
All recent modifications are in purple , in addition to the green parts 
I changed before SESTO.
Your comments are welcome for this intermediate version.

More comments on the rephrasing strategy below.
Thanks and best wishes , Mireille.

Le 24/06/2015 22:07, CresitelloDittmar, Mark a écrit :
> .... second part
> 2: Original content
> ===============
> One of the challenges in doing the DatasetMetadata/Cube work was in 
> determining exactly what ObsCore was in relation to the other models 
> (Spectral/Char/STC).  It seems that we have an opportunity to clarify 
> that relation while we have the document open... so long as that work 
> does not delay the delivery of the primary purpose of the update.
> I think it would be beneficial to add/change language to emphasize 
> that ObsCore is a 'flattened view' of an Observation/Dataset model.
>   example: pg 10
>   ".. the purpose of this document is twofold: 1) to define a simple 
> data model to describe observational data, "
I think Obscore is a real  Data model , it is designed with classes from 
Characterisation, Spectrum , SSA ( Access)  and is modeled in UML .
The way these classes are used in a TAP service named ObsTAP is the 
flattened version of the ObsCore DM .

I see ObsCore as a prototype of  Dataset metadata DM , ( less classes 
and less attributes) ; historically Dataset metadata has been created as 
a refactorisation and homogeneisation of the existing Data models ( 
Spectrum, Char, STC, etc) .
I think the historical path is needed as it explains the development of 
the ideas with time.
It is not natural to think general first and then apply the general view 
. Iterations and refinements are needed and this is what happened.

We should highlight the consistency obtained in the DatasetDM , but 
probably not only in the various specs citing each others , but in a 
general page that could show the dependencies between the different 
modeling efforts.

>   could be rephrased to clarify this point.
>   example: pg 11; second paragraph of section 3 can better clarify the 
> relation of ObsCore to these other models.
> The diagrams/UML in the document are to illustrate the mapping of this 
> view to the corresponding IVOA standard model(s). Ultimately, I think 
> it would be more clear if there were 2 sides to the diagram, with some 
> indicator matching the respective elements:
>   on the left: ObsCore table column element
>   on the right: corresponding model element
>   ivoa.ObsCore.table_name  ----  ObsDataset -> Target -> Name
>   ivoa.ObsCore.s_resolution_min  ----  ObsDataset -> Char -> 
> SpatialAxis -> Resolution -> Bounds -> Limits -> LoLimit
I think the table in B5 already shows this mapping, and Table 6 and 7 at 
the end of the document too.
> I'm not sure how that would be shown graphically, and may be more work 
> than benefit.
> If Section 3 is representing the 'placeholder' model which ObsCore 
> views, this could be made more clear.  ie: if Section 3 is fulfilling 
> the same purpose as the upcoming DatasetMetadata document

Mireille Louys	, Maître de conférences
Centre de Données ( CDS)		Icube & Télécom Physique Strasbourg, Pôle API
Observatoire de Strasbourg 		300, boulevard Sébastien Brant
11, Rue de l'Université			CS 10413
67000 Strasbourg 				F - 67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
http://astro.unistra.fr			http://www.telecom-physique.fr
tel : 03 68 85 24 34

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