CubeDM - upcoming work

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Wed Jan 21 16:40:01 CET 2015


I am wrapping up the SpectralDM document changes from the TCG review, and
will be getting back to the CubeDM work shortly.

At last notice (shortly before Banff), I had posted the drafts to Volute:

Which was presented at that meeting.

Going forward,
  + I have a few updates to the DatasetMetadata document spawning from the
TCG feedback, but most of those are addressed by bringing SpectralDM closer
to what was already in DatasetMetadata.
  + The Cube model needs to migrate/incorporate/converge to Arnold's
ongoing STC2 work

So, I'm asking interested parties to dust off their copies of the document
and let me know if there are discussion topics which we still need to
address in the next draft, which I'm expecting to be sufficient for
starting the review process.

For convenience, the twiki page has:
  - previous discussion threads
  - links related to this draft (section "Second Draft")

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