vo-dml for cube

Gerard Lemson glemson1 at jhu.edu
Wed Dec 16 11:39:57 CET 2015


Just a comment to correct one statement by Francois:

      - As both Arnold and Laurent stated in different wordings one of the usage of UML (and attached VO-DML description) is generation of code. ObjectType will become classes and having instances of that for "coefficient" and "pixel" will lead to considerable overhead.

Arnold and Laurent may have stated that a supposed usage of VO-DML is code generation, but that does not make it true.
If you want, you *can* generate code from the VO0-DML , but that is not necessarily a good thing to do in all cases.
It depends on application.

The original motivation of VO-DML was its use in annotations for VOTable. In general it is supposed to be used to represent the concepts in what is sometimes called the "universe of discourse" of some application domain in an interoperable form.
Hence VO-DML is supposed to be application neutral, and it is *not* a requirement on the VO-DML spec that efficient code can be generated from it in all cases.
To use the model  in a specific application/implementation in general requires one to derive application specific representations, "serializations" if you will.
These representations will generally be optimized for their actual application, which will not always be possible using a simple mapping approach that can be implemented in a code generator.
One example where that might happen is in DAL protocols.

Btw, please do not confuse VO-DML with UML, VO-DML is the only language we propse, UML is NOT a required, nor normative part of the spec.




Omar Laurino
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
100 Acorn Park Dr. R-377 MS-81
02140 Cambridge, MA
(617) 495-7227

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