ObsCore update discussion : adding Axes information in Obscore table

Arnold Rots arots at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Apr 16 15:50:30 CEST 2015

... not to mention the redshift/Doppler axis.

Arnold H. Rots                                          Chandra X-ray
Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                   tel:  +1 617 496
60 Garden Street, MS 67                                      fax:  +1 617
495 7356
Cambridge, MA 02138
arots at cfa.harvard.edu

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 3:39 AM, François Bonnarel <
francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr> wrote:

>  Dear all,
>     my 2 cents below
> Le 15/04/2015 19:50, Louys Mireille a écrit :
> Dear all ,
> Here is a summary of discussions on the Obscore data model update, with
> several iterations
> with Doug Tody, François Bonnarel, Laurent Michel, Daniel Durand and Pat
> Dowler.
> After the suggestion I made at the last interop in Banff,
> (see
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpOct2014DM/obcore-ObsdatasetDM_compatibility.pdf
> )
> we iterated with Doug Tody to enhance the axes' description of  the data
> part exposed in a dataproduct distributed by Obscore.
> These add_ons are meant to enrich the query response of ObsTAP serving
> N-D datasets in order to expose the
> dimensions and the nature of axes involved in the data part.
> The way the data values are organized in files ( File format, single or
> multiple extensions in FITS, etc, ..) is not taken into account here,
> as the goal is discovery  and selection of  candidate datasets from the
> query response.
> These values are not meant to be exact but represent a very good
> approximation of the dimension in each physical axis.
> So we are proposing the addition of
>    - s_dim1, s_dim2 = the coverage in sampling elements ( pixels) for
>    each spatial axis
>    - em_dim = the coverage in spectral elements along the energy axis
>    - t_dim = the coverage in the time axis, as number of time bins
>     - pol_dim = the coverage in the polarization axis, as number of
>    polarization states
> The nature of each axis is given by their prefix (s (spatial), em
> (energy), t (time) and pol (polarization) s mentionned in the Obscore
> previous version.
> These parameters are not describing the packaging (this is not providing
> enough information for cutout yet.
> If the value of the <n>_dim is 1, it means that this is a degenerate axis.
> One cannot have a <n>_dim =0 but NULL is allowed (interpreted as 1).
> Please note that the default polarization for any imaging data is I,
> intensity.
> It is important to note that the <n>_dim values are the overall
> characteristic of the dataset and NOT the value of its WCS axis
> (it might be true for simple cases, i.e. simple image but certainly not
> for mosaic observation where the gap
>  and/or the presence/absence of a given chip is not specified) .
> Here are some examples of various datasets exposed with this strategy :
>    - MUSE data cube
>     s_dim1   = 300
>     s_dim2   = 300
>     em_dim   = 3463
>     pol_dim      = 1
>     pol_state = I
>     t_dim      = 1
>    - 2MASS: 2D image
>     s_dim1   = 300
>     s_dim2   = 300
>     em_dim   = 1
>     pol_dim  = 1
>     pol_state = I
>     t_dim = 1
>    - MEGACAM: mosaic image
>     s_dim1   = 20000
>     s_dim2   = 20000
>     em_dim   = 1
>     pol_dim  = 1
>     pol_state = I
>     t_dim = 1
>    - STIS spectroscopy (1D):
>     s_dim1   = 1
>     s_dim2   = 1
>     em_dim   = 1024
>     pol_dim  = 1
>     pol_state = I
>     t_dim = 1
>    - STIS spectroscopy (2D long slit):
>     s_dim1    = 1024
>     s_dim2    = 1
>     em_dim    = 1024
>     pol_dim   = 1
>     pol_state = I
>     t_dim = 1
>    - ALMA:
>     s_dim1    = 1000
>     s_dim2    = 1000
>     em_dim   = 3000
>     pol_dim  = 4
>     pol_state = I/U/V/Q
>     t_dim = 1
> The more detailed mapping of s, em , etc on NAXIS1, NAXIS2, etc. in terms
> of WCS values could be handled in
> a future *getmetadata *capability of SIAv2, either via ADQL / Obstap or
> with a query by parameter, awaiting a
> more complete WCS solution for all astronomical observation.
> A discussion on WCS implementation for instance  at the IVOA interop
> meeting in Sesto in June will help to go forward.
> Yes , see my previous emails on these lists.
> There are suggestions to use an optional UCD tag to specify the flavour of
> these axes , like *em_ucd*, for instance , already in ObsCoreDM
> to help to disentangle between frequency , wave and energy in the query
> response.
>  Yes I agree
> I think this is interesting and could be used in all axes to specify
> roughly the global nature of the mapping
> ( s_ucd = pos.gal to describe a dataset organized along galactic axes)
> An additional optional tag for the projection could be added (eg s_proj)
> The "use case" for this is very simple : to figure out what kind of
> datacube is to be retrieved !!
> I think It is interesting  to know if the cube is basically equatorial, in
> tangential projection and the em axis is FREQ or that what is going to come
> is Galactic, AITOFF and the em axis is sampled as a wavelength.
> From this additional information the user can infer what the retrieved
> file will look like and prepare some usage scenarii. But we shoul let all
> this optionnal
> Best regards
> François
> A draft is currently updated along these lines.
> Your comments , and suggestions welcome .
> Mireille
> --
> Mireille Louys	, Maître de conférences
> Centre de Données ( CDS)		Icube & Télécom Physique Strasbourg, Pôle API
> Observatoire de Strasbourg 		300, boulevard Sébastien Brant
> 11, Rue de l'Université			CS 10413
> 67000 Strasbourg 				F - 67412 ILLKIRCH Cedexhttp://astro.unistra.fr			http://www.telecom-physique.fr
> tel : 03 68 85 24 34
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