VO-DML specification document

Gerard Lemson lemson at MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
Fri Apr 25 03:19:53 PDT 2014

I have created a page on the wiki where I will try summarizing comments made
on the mailing list about the Vo-DMl spec.
(happy to have help with this, Omar?).
See http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VoDmlWGComments

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dm-bounces at ivoa.net [mailto:dm-bounces at ivoa.net] On Behalf Of
> Gerard Lemson
> Sent: 24 April 2014 14:31
> To: dm at ivoa.net
> Subject: VO-DML specification document
> Dear data modelers
> After urging from the DM chairs, I would like to direct your attention to
the VO-
> DML page on the IVOA wiki:
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VODML
> There you will find links to the VO-DML specification document and the
> associated technical xml schema  and schematron files.
> Notice that the document is one of the three documents that came from the
> UTYPEs Tiger Team. This one, in particular, describes how to express Data
> Models in a standard, machine-readable way.
> Please read the comment at the start of the spec file for info which parts
are not
> quite done (mainly some paragraphs in intro have to still be added).
> The core part can be commented on freely.
> The wiki page needs some updating with links to, and descriptions of, some
> reference implementations.
> Much code has been available since Heidelberg (and before) as part of the
> prototyping effort mandated after that Interop. Stable code includes a
bunch of
> XSLT scripts for validatioon, java code generation, and hypertext
> generation which includes DM figures and cross-references between
> For two UML tools (Magic Draw CE 12..1 and Modelio) there are also scripts
> available to generate VO-DML documents from a properly designed UML
> representation. Pointers to the code and to the documentation is or will
> available on the aforementioned wiki pageasap.
> Implementations related to the mapping of VO-DML to VOTable, like the "VO-
> DML Mapper" (http://gavo.mpa-garching.mpg.de/dev/vodml-mapper/) created
> for helping users and data providers through a point-and-click interface
and the
> photometry service prototype presented in Hawaii are not included, since
> target a different document. But the vo-dml mapper in particular shows how
> one can make use of the machine readable DM documents at runtime and might
> be seen as another proof of concept implementation also for this
> We thank those that, in the past year, have sent comments to the editors
> directly, but we would urge members to address comments directly to the dm
> mailing list.
> Best regards
> Gerard Lemson

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