ImageDM and ObsCore

Arnold Rots arots at
Tue Nov 19 11:57:07 PST 2013

Sorry, this has been on my plate for a while, now.
Would it help if I referred you to the examples on my STC page?

The G1Arecibo example on
provides a description of a hypothetical cube in all 4 coordinate types.


  - Arnold

Arnold H. Rots                                          Chandra X-ray
Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                   tel:  +1 617 496
60 Garden Street, MS 67                                      fax:  +1 617
495 7356
Cambridge, MA 02138
arots at

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Louys Mireille <mireille.louys at>wrote:

>  Dear Arnold, dear all ,
> Could we try to work out an example for the Redshift axis description ,
> let say for a CALIFA Data cube , as available at :
> Any input from people involved in data cubes for another Use case , where
> REDSHIFT or VELOCITY axis is necessary ?
> Cheers , Mireille.
> Le 30/10/2013 14:52, Arnold Rots a écrit :
>   I notice that a redshift coordinate is defined but that there are no
>  parameters that allow specifying anything along that axis.
>  That will need to be fixed.
>    - Arnold
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arnold H. Rots                                          Chandra X-ray
> Science Center
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                   tel:  +1 617 496
> 7701
> 60 Garden Street, MS 67                                      fax:  +1 617
> 495 7356
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> arots at
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:40 PM, François Bonnarel <
> francois.bonnarel at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here are my comments
>> The basic thing to do to understand most of the discripencies between
>> ObsCore, ImageDM (or SpecDM) is to go back to Char2 utype list.
>> Char2 utype list is an evolution of Char1 utype list which has been
>> reworked mainly by Igor, Mireille and me during the past years and which is
>> not yet public. (it will be posted rather soon on IVOA now)   I am
>> currently documenting it. It's basically cleaning up Char1 and has inspired
>> most of the ObscOre innovations with respect to Spectrum (Spectrum 1 at
>> that time)
>>   The main thing to understand is that  Characterisation is reusing STC
>> class instances at the low level. For example
>> Char.(AnyCharAxis).coverage.location.coord designates an AstroCoord
>> instance. AstroCoord because this had to come with a reference to a
>> coordinate system. AstroCoord (or subclasses of it) and AstroCoordArea  (or
>> subclasses of it) are the basic classes reused in coverage location, bounds
>> and support.
>> This was first intended to have fully complet STC xml elements in case of
>> xml serialisation of char metadata.
>>    But there was another reason to do this : benefit of the semantic
>> power of STC classes and attributes names. You may have a look to the list
>> of char1 utypes if you want. This was used not only for coverage but also
>> for accurate definitions of Errors, PixelSize and Resolution elements. For
>> example STC allows various definition of error bins in 2-d or 3-d spaces:
>> circular, rectangular or ellipsoidal, tilted or not, etc ...
>>    The joint file is an upgrade of a work I allready sent Doug and Mark
>> at the end of June. Column 1 is the ImageDM utype list taken from Doug's
>> file. Column 2 is the corresponding ObsCore utype. Column 3 is the specific
>>  path of char2 DM, before using terminal stc utypes . Column 4 gives the
>> STC structure reused. Column 5 explains the discripencies and proposes
>> various solutions.
>> Cheers
>> François
>> Le 25/10/2013 18:01, Douglas Tody a écrit :
>>  Mireille - Thanks for the quick feedback.  I will wait to discuss
>>> until we have comments submitted (due today!).   - Doug
>>> On Fri, 25 Oct 2013, Louys Mireille wrote:
>>>  Dear Doug , dear all,
>>>> Thanks for the convergence effort .
>>>> I inserted my comments below .
>>>> Le 19/10/2013 19:44, Douglas Tody a écrit :
>>>>       Hi All -
>>>>       ....
>>>>       The main change to ImageDM coming out of the interop
>>>>       discussions is to
>>>>       make the ImageDM and ObsCore consistent - ideally ImageDM
>>>>       extends
>>>>       ObsCore, so that if we already implement ObsCore/ObsTAP we
>>>>       can add more
>>>>       metadata to support the ImageDM, and ObsTAP and SIAV2 (and a
>>>>       future
>>>>       generic AccessData also being developed) can play well
>>>>       together.  Our
>>>>       main focus at this point are the data model Utypes; the image
>>>>       data
>>>>       access model (AccessData etc.) will become the focus once we
>>>>       have the
>>>>       basic model defined.
>>>>       To get this started I have gone through the most recent
>>>>       ImageDM and
>>>>       compared this to ObsCore to see what differences remain.  The
>>>>       attached
>>>>       ImageDM spreadsheet details the differences.
>>>>       In the spreadsheet, column B contains the ObsCore field IDs.
>>>>       Those in
>>>>       bold are the mandatory ObsCore fields.  Utypes which differ
>>>>       between the
>>>>       two models are highlighted with a yellow background.  The
>>>>       Utypes shown
>>>>       are the ImageDM/SpectralDM versions.  Refer to Appendix B of
>>>>       the ObsCore
>>>>       doc (pg 35) to see the corresponding Utypes defined by
>>>>       ObsCore.
>>>>       A summary of the differences follows below.  The edited
>>>>       ImageDM
>>>>       spreadsheet highlighting the differences with ObsCore is also
>>>>       attached.
>>>>       We need to decide what to do to bring ImageDM/SpectralDM in
>>>>       line with
>>>>       ObsCore - do we merely adopt ObsCore as the core model and
>>>>       change
>>>>       ImageDM/SpectralDM and possibly Char/Char2 etc., or do we
>>>>       produce an
>>>>       updated version of ObsCore to minimize changes to the other
>>>>       data models?
>>>>       Please think about it and suggest what you think is the best
>>>>       approach.
>>>>       We have an opportunity here to possibly make all the major
>>>>       data models
>>>>       consistent.  But we will need to move fast for this next
>>>>       update.
>>>>           - Doug
>>>> I think most discrepencies can be treated by:
>>>> -  changing Obscore Utypes when possible.
>>>> - include minimal and maximal range values specified in ObsCore for
>>>> resolution , sampling , etc into the ImageDM.
>>>> For the moment ImageDM usually defines only a 'refval' but we could
>>>> anticipate extensions for new use-cases with the metadata already
>>>> defined
>>>> in ObsCore .
>>>> I am ok to change "Observation." or "Obs." to "Dataset." and align
>>>> ObsCore for this .
>>>> are there some problems in Obstap implementations already running to
>>>> have
>>>> these following changes in the Utypes:
>>>> Obs.dataProductType  --> DataSet.dataProductType   and same for
>>>> Obs.dataProductSubtype
>>>> Obs.calibLevel
>>>>       ImageDM vs ObsCore Summary of Differences
>>>>       ------------------------------------------
>>>>           ObsTAP ID vs ImageDM shortname / field ID
>>>>               These serve much the same purpose, e.g., a column
>>>>       name in a
>>>>               table, or a shortname for get/put calls.  The
>>>>       simplest solution
>>>>               is to just adopt the ObsCore IDs and extend the list
>>>>       to the full
>>>>               set of attributes in ImageDM.
>>>>           Dataset vs Observation
>>>>               ImageDM and SpectralDM use Dataset.X for attributes
>>>>       describing
>>>>               the overall dataset, e.g., Dataset.Type,
>>>>       Dataset.DataModel, etc.
>>>>               ObsCore uses "Obs" for the equivalent Utypes, and is
>>>>       oriented
>>>>               more toward arbitrary (VO and non-VO) data products,
>>>>       e.g.,
>>>>               Obs.dataProductType.  ObsCore has no equivalent to
>>>>               Dataset.DataModel.  Convergence requires that we
>>>>       choose one or
>>>>               the other of Dataset or Obs.
>>>> So Ok to homogeneize to Dataset.
>>>> Consequently we can add also Dataset.DataModel for completion.
>>>> However, I think we worked out a precise definition of dataproductType
>>>> in
>>>> ObsCore , that we should re-use in ImageDM.
>>>>           ObsCore Utypes Missing in ImageDM
>>>>               obs_id              DataID.ObservationID
>>>>               facility_name
>>>>               s_ra, s_dec         ImageDM uses the field
>>>>       Location.Coord instead
>>>>               s_resolution_min    ImageDM currently defines only
>>>>       Resolution.RefVal
>>>>               s_resolution_max
>>>>               em_respower_min     ImageDM currently defines only
>>>>       ResolPower.RefVal
>>>>               em_respower_max
>>>> ResolPower accessed through  Resolution in ObsCore. It belongs to this
>>>> Property as in Charv2.0.
>>>>           Char.FluxAxis
>>>>               ImageDM and SpectralDM use Char.FluxAxis, whereas
>>>>       ObsCore uses
>>>>               Char.ObservableAxis.  ObsCore is more correct in this
>>>>       case,
>>>>               since the observable is not always flux.  But we
>>>>       refer to a
>>>>               generic Flux quantity in many of our models.
>>>> What about adding ObservableAxis in ImageDM for the cases where Flux is
>>>> not appropriate?
>>>>           Utype Inconsistencies
>>>>               I identified about 20 of these (marked with a yellow
>>>>       background
>>>>               in the spreadsheet; we just need to decide on the
>>>>       final Utypes.
>>>>               Do we keep the ObsCore Utypes and change all our
>>>>       other DMs, or
>>>>               have a new version of ObsCore?
>>>> ObsCore has calibStatus instead of calibrationStatus in ImageDM and
>>>> Char2.0, Spectrum2.0  .
>>>> I suppose we can update ObsCore too for this.
>>>> More to come in details , namely by François for the utypes comparison .
>>>> Best wishes , Mireille.
>>>> Le 23/10/2013 23:13, CresitelloDittmar, Mark a écrit :
>>>>       All,
>>>> I've been tied up with other work.. so haven't had a chance to
>>>> review this well.
>>>> I'll be giving it good look tomorrow.   some quick comments below..
>>>> If I recall, ObsCore makes use of Characterisation primarily
>>>> through reference.
>>>> It leaves the details to that model and only talks about it's usage
>>>> of certain
>>>> components.  The Reference listed is for Char v2.0, so I'd say that
>>>> as far as
>>>> Utypes go, ObsCore is definitive for the Observation level stuff,
>>>> while Char 2.0
>>>> is definitive for the Characterisation stuff.  We need to agree
>>>> which to put in
>>>> Char 2.0, then ObsCore should adjust to that if needed.
>>>> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Douglas Tody <dtody at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>       ImageDM vs ObsCore Summary of Differences
>>>>       ------------------------------------------
>>>>           Dataset vs Observation
>>>>               ImageDM and SpectralDM use Dataset.X for
>>>>       attributes describing
>>>>               the overall dataset, e.g., Dataset.Type,
>>>>       Dataset.DataModel, etc.
>>>>               ObsCore uses "Obs" for the equivalent Utypes,
>>>>       and is oriented
>>>>               more toward arbitrary (VO and non-VO) data
>>>>       products, e.g.,
>>>>               Obs.dataProductType.  ObsCore has no equivalent
>>>>       to
>>>>               Dataset.DataModel.  Convergence requires that
>>>>       we choose one or
>>>>               the other of Dataset or Obs.
>>>> During the adass meetings, I began migrating my UML diagrams to
>>>> reflect
>>>> the ObsCore extention.  From that perspective, I recall there is
>>>> some
>>>> difficulty with the Obs vs DataSet objects.  They have similar info
>>>> at different
>>>> levels.  I was working toward getting "Spectral" to be an extension
>>>> of "Obs"
>>>> where the extension is the data portions, etc.
>>>>           Char.FluxAxis
>>>>               ImageDM and SpectralDM use Char.FluxAxis,
>>>>       whereas ObsCore uses
>>>>               Char.ObservableAxis.  ObsCore is more correct
>>>>       in this case,
>>>>               since the observable is not always flux.  But
>>>>       we refer to a
>>>>               generic Flux quantity in many of our models.
>>>> ImageDM probably shouldn't use FluxAxis.
>>>> SpectralDM can include FluxAxis as an extension to Char.
>>>>           Utype Inconsistencies
>>>>               I identified about 20 of these (marked with a
>>>>       yellow background
>>>>               in the spreadsheet; we just need to decide on
>>>>       the final Utypes.
>>>>               Do we keep the ObsCore Utypes and change all
>>>>       our other DMs, or
>>>>               have a new version of ObsCore?
>>>> more on this tomorrow.
>>>> Mark
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