[ImageDM]: Provenance

Douglas Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 14 11:02:42 PST 2013

On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, CresitelloDittmar, Mark wrote:

> There is a bit of confusion about "Provenance", which we should make a
> statement about.
> diagram:
> http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/dm/attachments/20131113/c9ef7581/attachment-0001.png
> The ObsCore model does not have a "Provenance" container class.  The
> associations into the Provenance package are directly to the ObsConfig and
> Proposal classes.
> However, the utypes reflect a Provenance node, implying that there should
> be a container class in the model.
> Doug's most recent diagram shows a "Provenance" class, which contains the
> associations to ObsConfig and Proposal.

I merely based this upon the Provenance Utypes we defined in ObsCore
(Table 5).  Ultimately we probably want a separate Provenance submodel
(like Char) but so far as I know this is not finalized yet, so I went
with what we currently have.

 	- Doug

> I'd like to make sure this is modeled the way we want it, and then fold
> that into the migration plan if needed.
> The options I see:
>  a) state that there is a mistake in ObsCore, there should be a Provenance
> class and single association to that.
>       * my diagram would then add Provenance to the Provenance Package
> (colored to indicate not in ObsCore doc), with an association from
> ObservationDataset.
>       NOTE: This would mean a change to the class hierarchy in ObsCore, so
> would be a compatibility issue.
>  b) state that there is no container class "Provenance"
>       * my diagram could move the associations to ObsConfig and Proposal
> to "_ObsCore"
>       * ImageDM would remove that class and inherit the associations
> Opinions?
> Mark

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