TapHandle 1.3.beta is online

Laurent MICHEL laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Feb 5 05:40:43 PST 2013

Hello everybody.

A new version of TapHandle has been pushed on-line.

REMINDER: TapHandle is a web application providing a uniform access
           to any TAP resource.

URL:     http://saada.unistra.fr/taphandle

NEWS:    - Support of real table names and column names for Vizier.
          - Support of synchronous queries. Note that asynchronous.
          queries are always used when this capability is working.
          - Support of the Web Profile SAMP connector.
          - Plain text search in the registry to discover TAP resources.
          This feature uses the TAP registry of GAVO. All declared
          resources can be seen, not just those working...
          - TAP_SCHEMA is highlighted in red in the data tree.
          - Ivoa schema is highlighted in green in the data tree.

Feel free to send any feedback.


---- Laurent MICHEL              Tel  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 37
      Observatoire de Strasbourg  Fax  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 32
      11 Rue de l'Universite      Mail laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
      67000 Strasbourg (France)   Web  http://astro.u-strasbg.fr/~michel

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