Light curves in DAL

esm esm at
Sat Sep 22 07:49:14 PDT 2012

Hi Petr,

Time series is now one of the projects of the IVOA Standing Committee on 
Science Priorities.

As you say, some effort has been done in the past in this field but 
quite scattered. The idea is to have a number of use cases prepared for 
Sao Paulo (you can find them at, cases that will 
be assessed against the current IVOA architecture by the TCG with the 
aim of giving solutions to problems like how to find time series 
services in the registries, how to make queries to them, how to describe 
the information,... We expect a significant advance in this field during 
and after the Interop.

Best regards,


El 21/09/12 11:05, Petr Skoda escribió:
> Hi all
> I did not follow too much the recent evolution on photometric data 
> model and SSAPv2 - so sorry for naive question :
> What is a current best practice to express light curves in VO ?
> So far I have seen some services (e.g. COROT) looking like SSAP with 
> wavelength axis changed in time - which works well in SPLAT and VOSPEC 
> but I havent yet seen any proper VO protocol on other observations - 
> e.g. microlensing surveys etc ...
> I have now the opportunity to use students for some development in 
> Java and so I was thinking about reshaping some archives of 
> lightcurves of our interest (from local projects of variable stars 
> observation) to be able to make quick preview in SPLAT or other tools 
> - I was thinking about using
> BAND=V,R,g  etc to select.
> I remember some presentation of SVO - that only adding some keywoards 
> in SSA would suffice - but then the general attention was switched 
> towards the new SED model and SED business. But as it becomes to 
> complicated to understand even to me ;-) I would like to see an use 
> case on some light curves.
> I am sure there are projects on-going. Please let me know
> Best regards,
> Petr
> *************************************************************************
> *  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
> *  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
> *  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
> *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
> *  Czech Republic                                                       *
> *************************************************************************

Enrique Solano Márquez
Spanish Virtual Observatory
Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC)
Campus Villafranca.
P.O. Box 78
28691 Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid, Spain

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