SED Data Model working draft (on behalf of D. Tody)

Omar Laurino olaurino at
Thu Oct 25 06:47:54 PDT 2012

Doug, are you suggesting that we go back to Spectrum.* utypes? That seems
the natural conclusion to your point:

    Dataset.X    generic Dataset metadata
>     Sed.X        SED-specific metadata
>     Target.X     Target metadat
>     DataId.X     Dataset identification metadata

Spectrum.X Spectrum-specific metadata


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Douglas Tody <dtody at> wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Oct 2012, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar wrote:
>  Doug,
>> On 10/24/2012 8:45 AM, Douglas Tody wrote:
>>> Much of this discussion concerns the aggregate SED and segments. In
>>> this most recent SEDDM it is proposed that a segment of the aggregate
>>> SED is an externally viable, self contained dataset, which is merely
>>> stored in the serialized aggregate SED, with the votable or FITS MEF
>>> serving as a container (pointing to an actual external dataset with a
>>> URI is also permitted and might be desirable for large datasets).
>>> Usually this externally viable dataset could indeed be an object derived
>>> from SpectralDM and compliant with the VO models, but if we merely have
>>> a simple container of segments this does not have to be the case. Since
>>> the aggregate SED is used for SED building or editing it could be
>>> desirable to include or reference native datasets which have not been
>>> converted to a VO model.
>> I just want to be clear.. you want to allow the Segment to contain EITHER
>> a reference to an external dataset OR an actual in-line serialization..
>> right?
> Yes, this was the intention.  It might be something large, or otherwise
> awkward to copy/include.
>  If instead we want to require that segments of the aggregate SED must be
>>> derived from and compatible with the SpectralDM then the model might
>>> indeed want to be changed as you both describe.  Even in this case
>>> however it is possible to merely provide a container for aggregating
>>> externally viable, standalone datasets, giving us the flexibility to
>>> reference external data in some native format.
>>> ** So the issue to be decided here is whether we permit the aggregate
>>> SED to reference native datasets or restrict it to only data classes
>>> derived from SDM **
>> I can see the interest in allowing the external dataset to be relatively
>> undefined.
>> The same 'issue' was discussed for PhotDM regarding the TransmissionCurve.
>>>   "Uniform (or rebinned)"  I think implies a synonym relationship, while
>>>> the description that follows shows that they have a different level of
>>>> processing.  Also, it says that rebinned handles overlaps.  Does that mean
>>>> that Uniform does NOT.. so the single Uniform sequence can have overlapping
>>>> data?
>>> Yes, it is possible for segments in the uniform SED to overlap, e.g., a
>>> spectrum may overlap another spectrum or photometry point from another
>>> observation (segment).  Rebinning further normalizes the data to combine
>>> any overlapped regions, which may or may not be desirable.  In both
>>> cases we have a uniform SED however.  (This business of uniform vs
>>> rebinning originated with Jonathan).
>> I think I'm missing something in the picture then... the Uniform SED has
>> multiple Segments?
>> From the description, I'm getting:
>>    + Uniform    = Char+Data
>>    + Aggregate = Char+Segment[]
> The uniform SED has all the segments from the aggregate SED transformed
> to common spectral/flux units and collected in the Data portion of the
> SED object.  Rebinning to avoid overlaps is optional.  In general there
> can be overlaps due to overlapping spectral coverage of the original
> segments, but since Data represents the spectral coord as a vector this
> can be handled.
>  Section 3.5.1:
>>>>  + Utypes containing SED?  Isn't this contrary to the changes we did to
>>>> remove the 'Spectrum' node from Spectral utypes?
>>> We decided earlier that we would have a core SpectralDM defining classes
>>> which are common to all the models - Spectrum, SED, TimeSeries, etc.  So
>>> Dataset, Char, DataID, etc. Utypes do not start with "Spectrum.",
>>> "SED." and so on, and are the same for all classes of data derived from
>>> the model.  We would then extend the core model by adding a class which
>>> is for stuff which really is specific to the particular class of data
>>> and not part of the generic core, inherited model.  Hence for TimeSeries
>>> for example, all the usual SDM stuff is there unchanged, but we add a
>>> new class TimeSeries which contains metadata specific to time series
>>> data, e.g., information about the period or periods, trend removal,
>>> whatever.  For SED we have a similar construct.  Most of the SDM is
>>> inherited unchanged, the Utypes are generic, but stuff which is really
>>> specific to SED, e.g., nSegments, is put into a SED.xx element.
>> The way I see this, we are extending BaseSPS to the desired dataset
>> (Spectrum, TimeSeries)
>> and If we want to add content, they can go into a complex object
>> (TimeProps for example),
>> or directly at the top level.  The UType convention imposed on
>> Spectral/Spectrum/**PhotometryPoint
>> is to NOT include the top node in the UType.. so these tags do not appear
>> before the
>> top level objects and attributes (Spectrum.Dataset).
>> To do so with SED is breaking a convention you advocated heavily for the
>> other BaseSPS extensions.
> Well if necessary we could change the class name of the "complex object"
> to something other than "SED"/ "TimeSeries" / "Image" etc.  ("SedProps"
> in your example) and accomplish the same goal.  But I don't see this as
> in conflict with removing the top node name from the Utypes since these
> objects are defined as specific to the class of data and hence not
> sharable.  These really are SED or TimeSeries etc.  specific Utypes.  It
> is not that much different than e.g., Target, which contains only
> Target-specific Utypes.  If we have a Sed.X class for SED-specific
> metadata, but were including a "Sed" prefix in all Utypes (e.g.,
> "Sed.Target.Name"), then applying the same convention we would have
> "Sed.Sed.X" for the Utypes, which is not what is being suggested here.
> So the proposal is
>   SED object
>     Dataset.X    generic Dataset metadata
>     Sed.X        SED-specific metadata
>     Target.X     Target metadat
>     DataId.X     Dataset identification metadata
>        etc.
> But we could instead have SedProps or whatever for the class name if this
> scheme is breaking some rule.
>         - Doug
>  Mark

Omar Laurino
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
100 Acorn Park Dr. R-376 MS-81
02140 Cambridge, MA
(617) 495-7227
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