Spectral Data Model V2.0 working draft

Jesus Salgado Jesus.Salgado at sciops.esa.int
Wed Oct 17 01:34:00 PDT 2012

Hi Markus,

The document distributed to the working group is a working draft not
(yet) a proposed recommendation. This is why there is not a specific RFC
page yet. I think it is OK to send comments directly to the WG list for
the time being.


On Wed, 2012-10-17 at 09:59 +0200, Markus Demleitner wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 04:40:01PM -0400, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar wrote:
> > A working draft of the Spectral DM V2.0 is available from the IVOA
> > documents page:
> > http://www.ivoa.net/Documents
> > 
> > Or more directly via:
> > http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SpectralDM/20120907/WD-SpectralDM-2.0-20120907.pdf
> > 
> > 
> > This draft initiates a four weeks period of comments within the
> > working group.
> > Comments will be greatly appreciated.
> I've not seen an RFC page of this on the wiki, so I'm blathering out
> here -- I'm worried about the VOTable example serialization,
> speficially 
> xmlns:spec="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/Spectral/Spectral-2.0.xsd"
> in the opening VOTABLE tag.  *Please* don't do this any more.  Utypes are
> almost certainly supposed to be fixed strings, i.e., you can't just say
> xmlns:ns1="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/Spectral/Spectral-2.0.xsd"
> and expect ns1:Data.FluxAxis.Value" to work.  However, this must be
> possible for XML namespace prefix bindings.  I personally am sure we
> want Utypes to be fixed, so you can't use namespace prefix bindings.
> This kind of thing blew up once before, when StandardsRegExt used the
> ssa prefix as a "recommended" prefix for its SSA registry extension.
> VOResource strongly recommends fixed prefixes (in this case there's
> actually a rationale for this).  If you now wanted to declare the SSA
> parameters using their utypes -- which also required an ssa prefix --
> you would have had to constantly rebind the ssa prefix.
> This uglyness is even worse since for Utypes, there not even a
> rationale for binding *any* namespace prefix; VOTable utype
> attributes aren't QNames, i.e., a sensible XML processor will
> simply optimize away that gratuitous prefix declaration in the first
> place, so their clients will have to employ serious magic to get to
> it.
> In short: It's abuse, it has always been abuse, and don't tell me you
> can't change it any more because it's been in use for years.  It
> hasn't, it's been a mess for years; see, e.g.,
> http://docs.g-vo.org/talks/2012-urbana-ssapstate.pdf (tl;dr: a client
> relying on any NS bindings would fail on at least 90% for the VO SSA
> services) -- so dropping the bogus namespace declaration will
> certainly not pose interoperability problems.
> If you absolutely want to include a URL for the XSD, why not change
> the existing
> <GROUP name="Dataset">
>   <PARAM name="DataModel"
>     datatype="char" utype="spec:Dataset.DataModel" value="Spectrum-2.0" arraysize="*">
>     <DESCRIPTION>Datamodel name and version</DESCRIPTION>
>   </PARAM>
> </GROUP>
> to
> <GROUP name="Dataset">
>   <PARAM name="DataModel"
>     datatype="char" utype="spec:Dataset.DataModel" value="Spectrum-2.0" arraysize="*">
>     <DESCRIPTION>Datamodel name and version</DESCRIPTION>
>   </PARAM>
>   <PARAM name="DMXSD"
>     datatype="char" utype="spec:Dataset.DataModel.XMLSchemaURL" 
>     value="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/Spectral/Spectral-2.0.xsd" arraysize="*">
>     <DESCRIPTION>XML Schema file related to the datamodel</DESCRIPTION>
>   </PARAM>
> </GROUP>
> Also, the schema location definition for the
> http://www.ivoa.net/xml/Spectral/Spectral-2.0 name space in the
> example is of course gratuitous; nothing from that namespace is used
> in the document, it's not even bound to a prefix (which might be a
> typo, of course, but I suspect that typo went unnoticed because
> nobody evaluates the xmlns binding).
> In the same vein, I think that talking about "Namespaces" in 5.1.1 is
> at least misleading.  Since this is a subsection of a chapter on
> utypes, I believe "Namespace" here refers to the "thing before the
> colon" in utypes, which would, at worst, be a namespace *prefix* (but
> isn't, because utypes are not QNames, which is good since, as pointed
> out above, namespace prefixes cannot really required to be fixed).
> I guess this section can be rather simply fixed by replacing all
> occurrences of "Namespace" with "model name".  In the opening
> sentence you could add 'In the following, the term "model name"
> refers to the part of a utype before the colon'.  (For the record,
> I'm not saying that the mechanism proposed will be terribly helpful,
> but since a working utypes spec is some time in the future I'm not
> asking you to wait for better solutions).
> If you absolutely detest the term "model name" (I give you the term
> is being used elsewhere in the document with a different meaning; on
> the other hand, the utypes draft has been talking about this thing as
> DM name for quite a while), maybe DM shortcut would be an attractive
> alternative.  Or maybe DM name prefix, although that dangerously close
> to namespace prefix.
> Sorry for the rant, but this kind of abuse has bitten me once too
> often.
> Cheers,
>            Markus
Jesus J. SALGADO                       Jesus.Salgado at sciops.esa.int

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