how to make a publisherDID

Laurent.michel laurent.michel at
Wed Oct 26 14:27:57 PDT 2011

Pas obligé de tout mettre. On peut racourcir le use case peut etre

Patrick Dowler <patrick.dowler at> a écrit :

>On 2011-10-26 07:33:08 Douglas Tody wrote:
>> So far as conventions go my preference is still for something like
>>      ivo://
>> where the convention is that ivo://<authority-id>/<collection-name>
>> (everything before the #) is also the collection identifier and the
>> remainder is the specific data product ID within the collection.
>> Perhaps this should eventually be more than just a convention.
>Yeah, I did this because the stuff before the # is in fact a regsistered 
>DataCollection, but according to the discussions this means that there is one 
>identified resource and that in principle one could resolve it, get it, and find 
>the fragment within. That is definiotely *not* what we want to say.
>I can live with <authority>/<dataset-specific_id>, but if we want to enable 
>someone with a publisherDID to find and download that dataset it presupposes 
>that the client could find services owned/operated by that authority and invoke 
>the service(s) with the publisherDID. Alternatively, if it means (in future) 
>they look for a specific type of service under that authority then it is more 
>or less manageable, but having multiple services is still problematic. I 
>personally don't care much about that because we are trying very hard to 
>provide common services across all our collections, but other people may not 
>like it.
>I realise that publisherDIDs seem quite disconnected from using services, but 
>I can't ignore this idea that being able to resolve them in a prescribed way 
>seems like a really good idea.
>Patrick Dowler
>Tel/Tél: (250) 363-0044
>Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
>National Research Council Canada
>5071 West Saanich Road
>Victoria, BC V9E 2M7
>Centre canadien de donnees astronomiques
>Conseil national de recherches Canada
>5071, chemin West Saanich
>Victoria (C.-B.) V9E 2M7

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