[obstap: obs_title]free format data model field

Mireille Louys mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Wed Mar 16 06:40:49 PDT 2011

Hi Doug, all ,

I think we agreed to have this field in the Obscore data model and 
re-use the definition from the Spectrum DM.
It is an ObsTAP optional field in free text format.
As you precisely explain this is fully relevant for the user to 
interpret the response of a query and for applications to re-use this 
metadata when dealing with observations.

I inserted a sentence for this in the new version of the draft.

On 16/03/2011 13:33, Douglas Tody wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Francois Bonnarel wrote:
>> On the obs_title discussion:
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> /As far as I understand obs_title is a free text description. Maybe 
>> usefull but the field name is confusing I think. Nothing to do with 
>> an ID./
> Note that this is already in the data model (SSA/Spectrum) with the
> name "title": DataID.Title.  It is also in SIA1 (VOX:Image_Title).
> In both cases it is mandatory metadata.  The name derives from FITS
> where it is commonly used for image data.  It is not an identifier
> in the usual sense, but is part of dataset identification, providing
> a human readable, free text (but short) description of the dataset.
> This is commonly used in analyis software to e.g. describe a dataset in
> a query response table, in a plot header, in the label of a displayed
> image, and so forth.
>     - Doug

Mireille LOUYS          mailto: mireille.louys at unistra.fr

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