New update of Spectrum DM v1.1

Mireille Louys mireille.louys at
Tue Mar 8 10:17:40 PST 2011

Dear all ,

I want to thank Jonathan Mc Dowell for providing a carefull update of 
the Spectrum DM v1.1 document, as requested for alignment with the SSA 
Up to now , I have carefully reviewed the changes, on the data model 
side only, that is this file :
  also available here :

I noticed only a few typos that I'm listing here:

p14: 3.4 : typo: case insenstive -->case insensitive

p15: 3.7 typo :'specrtrum dataset use case.'

P.17 : blank page

p.20 : Char.SpatialAxis.ucd same as Data, insert SKY_UCD  as in 
idem for name: duplicate Coordsyskeyword?
not sure it is really useful...

p69: SpectralAxis.Coverage.Location.Value should have ucd changed 
( was changed in the utype list but not in this example)

I think this does not prevent you to review and validate this updated 

Thanks for your comments.

Mireille LOUYS          mailto: mireille.louys at

L S I I T&      CDS,
Ecole Nationale Superieure            Observatoire de Strasbourg
de Physique de Strasbourg,            11, Rue de l'Universite
Boulevard Sébastien Brant, BP 10413   67000 STRASBOURG
67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex       	      Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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