WD Observation data model Core Components version 1.1

Thomas Boch thomas.boch at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Mar 3 12:08:17 PST 2011

Hi François,

I don't really get the point of the discussion about case 
(in)sensitivity of utypes. Why can't we just state that :
"UTypes are case insensitive. 'abc.def' is the same as 'ABC.DEF' which 
is the same as 'aBc.DEf', etc"
For efficiency, service implementors would store utypes in lower case in 
their DMBS, and convert the user utype query to lower case before 
performing the comparison.

As an application developer used to interact with services implementing 
and interpreting standards in "original" ways, I would write defensive 
code and force the string comparison to be case insensitive whatever the 
standard says.


On 03/03/11 19:18, Francois Bonnarel wrote:
> Hi All,
>     There has been intense discussion about utypes syntax among 
> editors/authors
> of the ObstAp draft during last weeks/days
>      I uploaded them on the Twiki : 
> http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObsTAPdraftDiscussion
> follow the "Best utype string-format" discussion page Link.
> Best regards
> François
> Mireille Louys a écrit :
>> Dear DM & DAL members,
>> Here is the new version of the 'Obs/tap' document,
>> with minor changes and complements.
>> We have tried to have a better structure for the document (Alberto)
>>  and clearer use-cases, a more precise description of possible 
>> Observable
>> in a general point of view, and examples of calibration levels for 
>> data sets.
>> Please review and comment, we'll find some time next week to finalise 
>> the
>> document for an proposed recommendation version.
>> Many thanks, Mireille

Thomas Boch
   CDS/Observatoire Astronomique   Phone  : 33 (0)3 68 85 24 42
   11, rue de l'Universite         Fax    : 33 (0)3 68 85 24 17
   F-67000 Strasbourg              Email  : thomas.boch at astro.unistra.fr
   France                          http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/~boch

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