[obs-tap] Data Rights

Douglas Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Tue Apr 5 14:55:10 PDT 2011

On Tue, 5 Apr 2011, Mireille Louys wrote:

> Hi Petr, Hi all ,
> Thank you for pointing this.
> It is actually even worse:
> while trying to fix this I read in Spectrum DM that Rights is borrowed from 
> Resource.Rights for public/proprietary. mixed is added but not defined .
> if I check in the most recent document : VODataservice , I found
> 3 possible values  :
> public, secure, and proprietary
> if I check in SSA1.1 I find only a short sentence, considering 2 values: 
> public/proprietary
> I wish we can homogeneise these and suggest to adopt the VODataservice 
> convention for all documents.
> would you agree with this?

Ok; I guess we should take the more recent VODataService as overriding
the Resource Metadata specification upon which SSA/Spectrum were based.

 	- Doug

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