Time series data

Douglas Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Thu Dec 2 23:49:28 PST 2010

As part of the VAO time series science initiative we have developed an
IVOA Note exploring how one might define a time series data model
and access protocol based upon Spectrum and SSA (related work in
connection with OMC and COROT was posted here earlier).  This includes
use of the proposed Photometry data model to describe multiband time
series photometry.  Although this is still quite preliminary and
development continues, there is probably enough there now to begin
looking at specific use cases and how well this is able to support
data from various surveys or missions.

This is available on the DAL time series / light curve page on the
IVOA Twiki:


This is not on the agenda to discuss in Nara, but it would be good
to have some side discussions to advance this and help identify who
might be interested in putting up time series data (within VAO the
primary sites initially are NStED and the Harvard TSC).

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