New STC-in-VOTable draft

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Tue Apr 20 07:03:48 PDT 2010

Dear DM folks, dear VOTable folks,

I've put up another draft of the STC-in-VOTable note.  See the (now
cleaned-up) page at (or go
directly to

Most important news:  

* There's now a single container for all items belonging to one 
  coordinate system as discussed before.
* There's now a "HOWTO" section at the beginning of the document that,
  I would hope, will be enough for most people.
* The examples have been changed -- what's included now is already
  generated (from slightly extended STC-S) by my STC and VOTable
  libraries (currently only available from SVN), so whatever's
  in there should at least be consistent.
* New special-casing for the AbsoluteTime substituion group that in
  effect drops the format specification by default.
* There's now a rule how to include the data model URI.

What next?

Well, as usual protest, insults, or -- gasp! -- moderate praise can
be left at the wiki.  However, we're nearing the Victoria interop,
and I'd just *love* it if we could reach some consensus there (which
will probably be helped by the fact that I'm not going to be there).
So, ideally I'll put out another draft for Victoria given some

To speed the whole process up, Francois Ochsenbein has suggested a
short telecon; no date has been set yet, but if you're interested to
participate, please let me know -- if possible, include your schedule
(in UTC).



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