STC in VOTable, draft note

Francois Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Mon Apr 12 03:03:10 PDT 2010

Hi Markus,

here are my remarks and comments on your two last emails
on this STC in VOTABLE topic.

A ) flattening information for AstroCoordSystem: I am OK with that.

B ) Putting STC Utypes in the group eg on the FIELDref.
I am really in favor of that. This will solve a lot of problem when
a FIELD or parameter has a non STC-utype and is part of an

C ) Putting information in INFO instead of PARAM: I do not
see the benefit and don't think it is what INFO is for.

D ) xml namespace: I see your point, although I don't think
the "stc" string inside an attribute (utype) value can disturb the
xml parsers. But I have no objection to remove the xml stc namespace
reference at the beginning. However, to adress a pointer to the utype 
a list a set of PARAMS with Predefined names could be better than forcing
utype attribute value to something .... which is not a utype (ie "stc:").

E ) AstroCoords is not the same structure as AstroCoordArea. We need
another serialization for AstroCoordsArea. A couple of guys made an attempt
for footprints a couple of years ago. A note edited by myself which has to
be revisited to make it consistent with the current STC in VOTABLE note.

F ) My main concern is the structure document. I think the utype algorithm
has to be removed from the main text.
a ) it could be added as an appendic
b ) moreover this algorithm has to be revisited in collaboaration with 
who already posted a darft for utype generation and his preparing a new 

Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Dear members of the data model and VOTable groups,
> Those of you who were in Garching may remember I had some suggestions
> as to embedding STC information into VOTables.  This grew into a page
> on the wiki --
> -- and
> finally a new draft revision of the note.  See the section "Revision,
> Draft 2" near the bottom of the page; you'll also find a list of
> three issues between Arnold and me there.
> Any comments, suggestions and bug reports are greatly appreciated,
> preferably on the Wiki page.
> Thanks,
>         Markus
> [For completeness, Jonathan and Francois as original authors have not 
> yet endorsed this revision]

François   Bonnarel           Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
CDS (Centre de données        11, rue de l'Université
astronomiques de Strasbourg)  F--67000 Strasbourg (France)

Tel: +33-(0)3 68 85 24 11     WWW:
Fax: +33-(0)3 68 85 24 25     E-mail: francois.bonnarel at

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