VOunits draft

Tom McGlynn Thomas.A.McGlynn at nasa.gov
Fri May 22 12:27:18 PDT 2009

The document doesn't seem to address how magnitudes are to be handled. 
Are they unitless?  Do we have a 'mag' unit a la the FITS standard? 
What about magnitudes per square arcsecond? If they are unitless how do 
we find out that the column is a magnitude?  UCD? UType?  Do we allow SI 

I don't have a strong feeling here, except that I believe this needs to 
be discussed explicitly.


louys at alinda.u-strasbg.fr wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here is the VO UNITS draft, that I circulate for comments within the DM 
> and VOTable Working group .
> Most of the document was prepared with Anita ,Sebastien, and I.
> I put a list of authors as a first guess, but of course , you are very 
> welcome to contribute and  help this effort to converge.
> I apologize for the delay.
> Hope to have your comments very soon as the discussion on the topic on 
> the DAL list was rather lively.
> Cheers, Mireille

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