relative fluxes

Douglas Tody dtody at
Fri Jun 26 15:22:15 PDT 2009

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Randall Thompson wrote:

> Maybe I'm getting off the subject, but one thing that is sorely missing
> is an SSA Validator like the ones Ray Plante created for SIA and cone
> search services. Has anyone written one yet? The only one I knew of
> supported only the earlier SSA version.

This is on the way, once the USVAO gets underway.

> Data providers need a way to validate their services.
> In fact, it would be useful to have validators for all approved VO protocols.

Absolutely.  Plus we plan to validate and monitor service availability
as part of VAO operations (all of this is already happening somewhat,
but not yet for SSA).

 	- Doug

> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 18:26:46 +0200 (CEST)
>> From: Petr Skoda <skoda at>
>> Subject: Re: relative fluxes
>> To: Douglas Tody <dtody at>
>> Cc: louys at,Alberto Micol <alberto.micol at>,Jesus Salgado <Jesus.Salgado at>,dm at,dal at
>> Very nice summary, Alberto !
>>>> (in this and other standards) is killing all our efforts.  We have to
>>>> be precise, and to provide clear and unambiguous (almost mathematical)
>>>> definitions, accompanied by a good set of real (as opposed to virtual)
>>>> examples (tutorials).
>> YES - Tutorials should be on high priority list
>>> What we most need now are *implementations*, with real data, of both
>>> SSA services and client applications which begin to use the information
>>> in the SpectrumDM.
>> YES - but I am (without examples) bit lost what should be there (in my
>> service) and even "proper" (I hope so) implementation of ESO archive does
>> not seem to contain all the DM . Another issue is for what kind of viewer
>> should be all these done ;-) We have only SPLAT and VOSPEC and so I am
>> limited by testing of interaction with SSA services here (and seldom in
>> SpecView - but its another story).
>> I am afraid the scientist will not be delighted to read all proper DM info
>> in VOT displayed in web browser ;-)
>> Another issue is that I can test the real SSA services with a difficulties
>> as the download of a number of spectra takes long time, some services do
>> not answer and hang the VOspec or SPLAT.
>> All the servers should provide the spectral range cutout to realy give
>> some ideas of real work with bunch of small spectra.
>> I am afraid the development of SSA services should go hand in hand with
>> development of Applications (curently all seem to be only at the begining
>> - we are happy to see 5 curves, but we do not know how to diplay properly
>> 1000 of them (stacking, paging, rejection of bad SNR...)
>> I am sorry to say we need to have on spectral tools same massive scale
>> capabilities like in Aldin, VOPlot, TOPCat etc ........).
>> But what will be the driver for such development ? We have SDSS - well I
>> would like to work somehow with 1000-to 10000 spectra (after preliminary
>> selection crossidentification etc ....) this should be real VO spectral
>> research (not being happy to plot 3 curves)....
>> Despite the lack of spectra archives in VO (as pointed by Alberto as well)
>> we have already 20 mil spectra in Byurakan survey we will get much more
>> from GAIA - (short low resolution) - has anybody asked the question - how
>> the tool should look like to work with them ?
>> *************************************************************************
>> *  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
>> *  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
>> *  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
>> *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
>> *  Czech Republic                                                       *
>> *************************************************************************

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