High Performance Computing in Astronomy: Requirements and Challenges (fwd)

deoyani at iucaa.ernet.in deoyani at iucaa.ernet.in
Fri Jun 26 00:13:53 PDT 2009

Hi ,

I am attaching to this email the announcement circular and the conference poster for workshop on 'High Performance Computing in Astronomy: Requirements and Challenges' which will be held in Pune,India
from 12-16 October 2009.

Interested people can go through the attached documents. 
If if anyone is getting this mail more than once, sorry for it. 
Kindly forward it to people who might be interested for the same but are not members of ivoa mailing lists.

Deoyani Nandrekar.

Software project officer for Virtual Observatory India,
Ph. +91 20 25604306
Mob. 9923241985
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Dear Colleague,

     We are pleased to announce that we are organising a 5-day international 
workshop on "High Performance Computing in Observational Astronomy : 
Requirements and Challenges", from 12th to 16th October 2009, in  Pune,India. A 
PDF poster announcing this meeting is attached.  More details about the meeting 
are available at the website : http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/~hpc.astro

     We welcome your participation in this meeting and also request you to 
forward this message to any others who you think may be interested. The theme 
of this meeting will be to discuss computationally intensive techniques 
important for different branches of astronomy.  These techniques are 
increasingly being applied and planned for data collection, real-time and 
off-line analysis, and interpretation of results.  Examples of such techniques 
include, among many others, software correlation of interferometric signals, 
dynamic beam forming and interference rejection, adaptive optics control for 
multi-segment telescopes, coded mask image analysis, matched filtering of 
gravitational wave signal, deconvolution and foreground subtraction of CMB 
maps, automated transient search etc.

     Given the development and plans for large international astronomical 
facilities like the upgraded GMRT, eVLA, LOFAR, ASKAP, MeerKAT (and eventually 
the SKA) in radio, various new giant multi-segment mirror telescope projects in 
optical, new observatories like ASTROSAT in UV/x-ray, we feel that such a 
meeting will be well timed and will provide an appropriate forum for exchange 
of ideas and plans for handling the massive computing tasks associated with 
such large projects.  In particular, we feel that participants from different 
wave band regimes will benefit by possible cross-fertilization of ideas.  We 
expect significant participation from academia as well as the IT industry, and 
prominent researchers from both domains will be invited speakers at this 

     Kindly note that the deadline for early registration, given as 15th June 
2009 in the poster, has been extended to 1st July 2009.

     We look forward to your participation.

     With regards,

                                Yours sincerely,

                            Dipankar Bhattacharya  (SOC Chair)
                            Yashwant Gupta         (SOC Co-chair)

Partial list of invited speakers:

Bruce Elmegreen (IBM) *
Duncan Hall (SKA) *
Harrick Vin (TCS)
Goldi Mishra (CDAC)

Christopher Baranec (CalTech) *
Gerry Skinner (Maryland/GSFC) *

George Djorgovski (CalTech) *
Alex Szalay  (JHU) *
Robert Lupton (Princeton) *
Ajit Kembhavi (IUCAA)
Peter Quinn (UWA) *

Matthew Bailes (Swinburne)
Tim Cornwell  (CSIRO)
Athol Kemball (Illinois)
Peter Dewdney (SKA) *
Bob Sault (Melbourne) *

* = to be confirmed
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