[Fwd: VOTimeSeries]

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Fri Jun 29 10:28:17 PDT 2007

Thank you Enrique for this, clearly there has been a lot of work in your 
time-series archive. I am hoping that other time-series archives 
(Ptotopappas at CfA, Bloom at Berkeley, etc) will be able to work with 
you to achieve interoperability.

I have built another way to see what is going on, and I offer that to 
the DM grouyp as a way to stimulate discussion. It is a screenshot where 
I have opened the VOTable time series in Topcat, so that we can see the 
data model more clearly.

The top section is the data dictionary: each point has time and exposure 
time, each flux point has value nad upeer and lower error limits

The next section is the actual data, three measurements of 30 seconds 
each, for a 7th magnitude star.

The last section is parameters, showing that time is in MJD, location of 
the traget, and curation information.

QUESTION: What semantic information is MISSING from this time series?
QUESTION: Is there TOO MUCH metadata here, is it too COMPLEX?
QUESTION: What other syntax could be used besides VOTable?

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