Posting of an IVOA note on a single-dish Radio Data Model

Juan de Dios Santander Vela jdsant at
Mon Jan 22 04:01:42 PST 2007

Hi everyone, and sorry for the cross-posting!

I work for the AMIGA project (<>), and  
I've recently earned my Master Thesis doing data modeling for a  
single-dish antenna, Robledo de Chavela's DSS-63 70m  radio- 
telescope. This work has been revised by people from our project,  
people from LAEFF-INTA (responsible for the antenna in Spain), from  
JPL-NASA, and the IRAM (Institute for Radio Astronomy in the  
Millimeter range).

This data model is the starting point for a future archive of  
spectroscopic observations for this antenna, and compiles several  
different IVOA data models into one coherent data model for the  
archive, defining many fields which were not clearly specified in the  
standards, and defining some of the mentioned classes for this  
particular case.

I would like to know a couple of things:

a) How do I contact the DAL or DM chairmans (or both) first to  
publish this as an IVOA note? The reason for this would be  
illustrating the use of the separate data models when trying to build  
a new archive.
b) Is there any standard LaTeX template for the IVOA document  
submissions, in the same way there are MS Word templates?

Thanks in advance!

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC

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