call for presentations at the Data Model sessions in Cambridge , September 2007

Alasdair Allan aa at
Tue Aug 28 11:35:08 PDT 2007

Steve Allen wrote:
> Alasdair Allan wrote:
>> With the arrival of Google Sky to the VO arena I think we should
>> probably also look at the possibility of adopting KML as an IVOA
>> standard.
> What coordinate system does KML use (sky *and* earth),

RA & Dec for Sky and Long & Lat for Earth. I don't know the details  
of their WCS rectification, or in fact whether it really makes a  
difference for the applications for which it would be used. We're  
talking, or should be talking, about fitness for purpose here. It  
doesn't have to be any more accurate than it has to be. We're not  
going to use KML to point telescopes with, we're going to use it

Lets not make the same mistake the professional GIS community made  
with Google Earth, they complained continuously about the poor geo- 
retification inside Google Earth. But it doesn't really matter, that  
wasn't what people cared about.

> and how do we know that Google is implementing them correctly?

Err, we could ask them?


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