Spectrum data model: accuracy

Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at eso.org
Fri Sep 15 10:24:40 PDT 2006

On Sep 15, 2006, at 19:17, Anita Richards wrote:

>> Just to clarify that I meant not to add errors to bounds;
>> instead in this case I think that the Location.Value is 1975,
>> and the Location Error is 10 years.
> Sorry, that is also different from our intentions at least in Char  
> - the top levels of description are inevitably imprecise because  
> they are simple, so they do not have errors attatched.
> Mayeb this will become clearer next week...
> cheers
> a

My fault... I really meant:

Spectrum.Char.TimeAxis.Accuracy.SysError = 10 years

What is important is that the Bounds have nothing
to do with the precision by which we know the location;
the SysError and the StatError should be used to describe that.

The typical Bounds values will be the actual min and max
of the *known* data values.

A nice weekend,


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