[Fwd: Re: Mixed content]

Ed Shaya eshaya at umd.edu
Fri Sep 15 10:20:28 PDT 2006

Rob Seaman wrote:
>> <RSS_Feed>
>>     <API>
>>         <Article>
>> ...
>> <IVOmember>Alasdair Allen</IVOmember> <url> 
>> http://www.babilim.co.uk/blog/ </url> and  <NVOmember>Mathew 
>> Graham</NVOmember>  at <institution>Caltech</institution> , 
>> <IVOmember>Guy Rixen </IVOworker>, and <NVOmember>Bob 
>> Seaman</NVOmember> came to agreement, perhaps for the first time 
>> about anything, that mixed content might be allowed in the <A 
>> href="http://www.ivoa.net/">IVO</A>.
> Isn't <NVOmember> subclassed from <IVOmember>?
Yes.   I would have subclassed the others as well, but I did not know 
the species for them.
>> However many others, too numerous to name, felt strongly that mixed 
>> content is a definite no-no.
> "Too numerous to name" raises the question of how IVOA should 
> represent the transfinite cardinal numbers.  How about:
>     <Aleph subscript="NULL" />
Looks good.  <Aleph0/> could be define as a fixed literal of the unicode 
value for that symbol
> Although, by definition, "too numerous to name" would suggest a number 
> of members of at least order:
>     <Aleph subscript="one" />
> suggesting that Alasdair, Matthew, Guy and myself have been soundly 
> outvoted.
I believe so.  You three should be ashamed of yourselves for 
contemplating complexities
beyond human imagination or present toolset, whichever comes first.
>> As for me, I would never be caught creating mixed content as that 
>> would be way too confusing to be understood by any parser much less a 
>> mere human.
>>        </Article>
>>    </API>
>> </RSS_Feed>
> Say wha?
> Rob

I guess this is my first letter to the editor of my news service.


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