VO Spectrum FITS serialization

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Tue Oct 17 03:58:09 PDT 2006


On 2006 Oct 17 , at 01.36, Jonathan McDowell wrote:

> So we define two new generic keywords
>   TUCDn
> giving the UCD and the UTYPE for each column. Then, the X axis is
> the one with TUTYPn = 'Spectrum.Data.SpectralCoord.Value'
> and what kind of X axis is it? TUCDn tells you that, and so
> does TTYPEn if you prefer to use FITS rather than VO diagnostics.

Sounds like an excellent plan.

The only constraint this imposes is that it restricts Utypes to 72  
characters maximum.  However it would probably be anti-social at  
least to define utypes which are longer than that, so this is  
unlikely to be a constraint on UTYPEs in practice.

Or on UTypes.

[So that makes four plausible capitalisations of the damn name, at  
least three of which I've seen actually used]

See you,


Norman Gray  /  http://nxg.me.uk
eurovotech.org  /  University of Leicester, UK

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